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MEMO TO: Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry; and <br />Park and Recreation Commission Members <br />FROM: Building and Zoning Official <br />DATE: July 25, 1978 <br />RE: Northcrest Park (FOrmerly Pinecrest Properties) Plat <br />Park Fund Dedication <br />Enalosed with this memo is a letter dated July 19, 1979, <br />addressed to Attorney Meyers from the owners of the Northcrest <br />p2at pzoperty concerning the city's subdivision park fund <br />@edication. The city sta£f has been involved wiYh the oxmers <br />of the Northcrest plat since 1976 with respect to the develop- <br />ment of their property. During the period from 1976 to the <br />present, the owners and stafE have jointly reviewed existing <br />city code requirements pursuant to the possible ways o£ devel- <br />opinq this property (i.e., P.U.D. or piecemeal development). <br />During the early process, the owner £elt the P.U.D. form o£ <br />development would be the preferable method, allowing them more <br />Ereedom, per se, in development. The city did, in fact,.hold <br />public hearings pursuant to the P.U.D. re�uirements on August 27, <br />1977 and September 26, 1977. During this period, the city <br />anproved the concept plan as oresented by the owners. Staff <br />then proceeded to work with the owners on the next step required <br />by P.U.D. ordinance--the development stage. <br />In proceeding with the develo�nent stage, the owners found that <br />they had difficulties in meeting the requirements for the stage <br />and, at that tfine. decided to use the more standard.form of <br />dcvelopnent--simple subdivision and zoning. The city agreed <br />to the development process change and since then has had land <br />use and traffic studies done to assure that the simple platting <br />and zonings applied to the plat were conducive to develo�nent <br />within the property and also minimize the impact on surroundinq <br />propertiea. <br />The city has, at no time, requested replatting or rezoninrt of <br />the property. The owners thdnselvea weighed the development <br />possibilities with respect to the existing plat and many other <br />configurations of street. land uses and service poasibilities. <br />The city has now received the final plat for Northoreet as it <br />was approved by Council and Commission. Upon approval of the <br />plat, the city requires payment of the park fund dedication. <br />The owners have submitted an appraisal reppr� fo,r the property, <br />valuing��;it�. at $5'�n.�pn �. rrs���.ier thia y�i��r ���"���� your tiPfn-.. <br />mi�slon��had recommended��cash� versua land�'for..the dedication, <br />thus requiring a$53,�000 park fund dedication. Z reca�end <br />that you accept this appraisal, as it appeare to be a fair <br />valuation of the property with respect to the purchase of <br />similar co�mnercial property.within the city (Silver View Park). <br />i have disoueaed this matter with Attorney Meyers and it i■ hie <br />feeling that the courte have upheld the Minneaota etatute per- <br />taining to this type of dedication. <br />