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� <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />PARKS AND RECREATION COhIDtISSION <br />CITY OF DIOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAhiSEY <br />STATE OF AfINNE50TA <br />Call to Order <br />Roll Call <br />Regular Session <br />September 28, 1978 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. <br />The Dfounds View Parks and Recreation Commissio: <br />was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chairman <br />Wayne Burmeister. <br />Commissioners Present - Chairman Burmeister, <br />Commissioners Coplin, Linke, Kuluvar and Fedor. <br />Commissioners Absent - Commissioner Haeke B Weflen. <br />Councilmember Present - Councilmember Ziebarth. <br />Staff Present - Director Anderson end progrem Supar- <br />visor Kvalheim. <br />Visitors Present - Mr. Tom Postor, Prasldent and <br />Diane Heinz, member of the {Vhi[o Oak Homeownat's <br />Association; Richard Kaiser, President, end Gary <br />Hanscom, Dlounds View Jaycees. <br />Approval of Commissioner Linke requested that ateff bo directed <br />Minutes to prepare a file of each park, including perk <br />inventory,maps and othcr dute rolovant to tho pnrk <br />be added to the minutes. Commissioner Linko mad0 <br />a motion to approve the minutes ea coerocted� <br />Commissioner Kuluvar soconded the motion. Tha <br />motion pussed unanimously. <br />5 Ayas <br />0 Nays <br />Ardan Park Gary Flanscom, mombar of the MounJe Vioa Jeycass, <br />reported that the Jnycaep were concornod ebout <br />playground eyuipment boing pincoci at Ardan Park. <br />The Jaycees era interostod !n workiny in coopers- <br />tion with the Commission und xtuff in tha davelop- <br />ment of Ardnn Pnrk. The Juycoax huve the derire <br />to keap Ardan Park ae nnturut ea ponnlble and are <br />elso loary of the ponJs ua �otontial hezerd� to <br />toddlers. Tholr e ociflc idous for tha perk lnclude: <br />traii syatom, honcPOR ond minl nrboratum. The <br />Juycoes wlsh to plont suedlingx nlong tho I,onQ Lake <br />rondyldo as a buffor zono, <br />Coimnisslonore nxpreesed appreclntlun for Lhe Jaycaea <br />inturost but oxpinlned thnt tha pnrk concopt pl�n <br />hnJ baon dixcunxoJ nh 1enpth lnat yanr, I[ was <br />raquustoJ thnt xtciff eetulilinh apoelflc project <br />rocummendntlonx from tha .Inycaon for tha CammiEeion'e <br />rovlow. <br />