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Call to order <br />Roll call <br />Approval of <br />minutes <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Regular Session <br />September 27> 1979 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />Council Chambers> 6:30 p.m. <br />The Mounds View Parks and Recreation Commission was called <br />to order at 6:35 p.�n. �Y Chairm_� Wayne Burmeister. <br />Commissioners present - Chairman Burmeister, Commissioners <br />Linke, Scott, Kuluvar, Silvis, and Weflen. <br />Commissioners absent - Commissioners Fedor, Haake, and <br />Coplin. <br />Councilmember present - Councilmember Ziebarth. <br />Staff present - Director Anderson and Program Supervisor <br />Kvalheim. <br />Commissioner Kuluvar made a motion to approve the June 28, <br />1979 minutes as submitted. Commissioner Scott seconded the <br />motion. hbtion passed unanimously. <br />Chairman Burmeister made a motion to approve the August 23, 1979 <br />minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Cortmissioner <br />Linke. Motion passed unanimously. <br />I Visitor Fire Ring Location - Visitors Sandra Cooney, President,Mounds View <br />Presentation Mrs. Jaycees, 7940 Sunnyside Rd., & Diane C1ine> hbunds Yiew Mrs. <br />Jaycees, 7870 Woodlawn Drive were present because <br />of their interest in the placement of the fire ring. The fire <br />ring was recently purchased with the donation of $100.00 by the <br />Mounds View Mrs. Jaycees. Discussion included possible sites, <br />one at Groveland Park and the other at City Hall Park. The <br />Comnissioners and visitars walked the City Hall site with <br />Director Anderson as tour guide. Director Anderson reviewed <br />staffs recommendation that the fire ring be placed at City Ha11 <br />for reasons outlined in staff's report. <br />Commissioner Kuluvar made a motion to locate the fire ring at <br />City Hall Park at the site visited by the Comnission and <br />visitors (at the north end of City Hall park near the oak trees), <br />Commissioner Weflen seconded the motion. The motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />Commissianer Kuluvar inqu9red as to staff's recommendation of <br />the outer ring height. Director Anderson replied that the ring <br />wi11 be about 6" above ground and cemented in place. <br />II Yisitor Co rehensive Parks and Open SDace Study - Visitor Gary Tushie <br />Presentation o Saunders an T alden ssociates gave a slide presentation <br />on park and open space studies and master park planning as well <br />as how the plans can be implemented by his firm. Commissioners <br />as well as Councilmembers were given the opportunity to ask <br />questions relatin9 to such a proposed project. <br />i< <br />;: <br />:i <br />