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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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September 27, 1979 <br />Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />Chairman's report Chairman Burmeister reported that the Charter Commission is <br />still meeting and discussing the new proposal. Chairman <br />Burmeister also reported that a letter was submitted to the <br />Charter Commission stating concern on the lack of time <br />allotted the Parks and Recreation Commission to review and <br />comnent on the proposal. <br />Councilmember's Councilman Ziebarth reported that the council has been <br />report reviewing the 1980 budget proposal. It was alsa reported <br />that the newly proposed Comprehensive Parks Plan has been an <br />� issue which the council hasgiven a positive recommendation. It <br />was suggested that a better understanding of the city's existing <br />park status is needed, but the anticipated outgrowth of the study <br />is that the cormnunity will become personally invotved in such a <br />project so that eventually they will see, enjoy, and benefit from <br />such a project. Councilman Ziebarth empbasized that the people's <br />needs must be known & a park system or plan is needed for future <br />funding & as a workable plan for ±he park development of the <br />conununity. Councilman Ziebarth also su9gested that the City <br />committment for upkeep of parks must be a question and concern <br />in the realm of park development. <br />It was also reported that the $25,000.00 matching funds for <br />Edgewood Jr. High School tennis courts will be in 7980, Phase II. <br />Phase I has now been completed with the completion of the <br />pathways. <br />Silver View Park Director Anderson reviewed the appraisals received by O.J. . <br />Status Janski and Associates, Inc. A meeting is scheduled for � <br />Friday, September 29, 7979 at City Ha11 between Kraus/Anderson <br />Assaciates and staff to further discuss dealing of a land swap . <br />at the Silver View park site. <br />Cammissioner Linke requested a sumnary of the meeting be sent <br />to the Comnissioners. <br />Park Usage Policy The Commission reviewed and discussed the park usage survey <br />and staff recomnendation. Comnissioner 517vis asked whether <br />tournaments have posed a problem with clean up and alcoholic <br />beverages. Director Anderson reported that only one tournament <br />xas held this summer and it was very successful with no problems. <br />Councilmember Ziebarth asked whether the recamiended policy can <br />deny past problem groups a park nermit. Director Anderson <br />replied that since the park policy would be under the discretion <br />of the Director, a control measure vrould be present. Commissioners <br />Silvis and Scott expressed thelr opinions that it is reasonable <br />for park users to ezpect to pay some costs. Comnissioner Scott <br />asked if the park usage permits would be issued to only city <br />residents. Councilmen Zlebarth suggested that a fee deposit <br />and clean up fee scele would encourage self-clean up by partici- <br />pants wlth a return deposlt fee "reward" system. The <br />Commisstoners agreed that the Roseviile park usage sliding <br />scale fee is reasonable and fair. Commissiner Kuluvar asked <br />whether the fees will cover cleen up costs. Director Anderson <br />stated that tAe fees would cover clean uD costs and in the case <br />of 150 plus people picnics, the groups would need to be <br />organlzed tn order to cover the 5100.00 fee and therefore the <br />fee w111 act as a control, or a positive deterant. Chairman <br />
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