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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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' MEMO T0: Hahn lmm, Project Ui�to�� <br />FROM: Bruce K. Andenon, Mounds�i_�lv _P��, Recreetion <br />and Forestry Director �� <br />DATE: DeceRber 10. 1979 �� <br />RE: Sitver VieN ParA Acyuisit!::.� � <br />In additian to the enclosed five naps, I have also prepared a brief background on �� <br />the park acquisition status of Silver View Park dating back to August, 1976: <br />1. The tity of hbunds VSew currently holds fee sinple title to 16.9 acres <br />of park land at the intersection of County Road H-2 and Silver Lake Road. <br />2. The original grant for additional acquisition tif park land for Silver . <br />View Park was submitted by the City of Mounds View in August of 1976. <br />Mr. Dou9las Bryant was the Director of the Parks and Recreatton Department . <br />at that time and the grant was originally approved at 5150,000 for funding �. <br />in 1977. This grant application was for the acqu5sition of aDProximately <br />19 acres of land directly north of the City's existiny park la�d. <br />3. The ariginal grant was not processed properly in 1977 which made for a <br />two year delay in receiving the final acquisition's approval which was <br />finally granted ta Uie City on June 25, 1979. <br />4. Mr. Uoug Bryant resigned his positfon with the City in August, 1977 and I <br />was then appointed as the Director of Parks and Recreation in Novenber, 1977. <br />5. In July, 1978 I submitted a grant application for the Phase 1 derelop�rent <br />of Sil�er Yiew Park based on the acquisition of land north of the City's <br />existing land. <br />6. The Phase 1 developnent of Silver View was approved for a total of $105,100 incl <br />�ng trail developnent monies. Developirent slated for Phase 1 inctudes: <br />Site inproveirent $1i3,264 <br />Nater system 20,000 <br />Balifield 9,550 <br />Parking lot and access road 30,360 <br />Desi9n and engineering 6.500 <br />PaUiway/bikeway system 18,676 <br />Audit 1,750 <br />Totat 5105,1U0 <br />7. We �+ere inforned by your office not to begin fornwl negotiations for the �� <br />land acquisition until the agreements were finalized whicb was June 25, 1979.- <br />8. Since Lhat time City sjaff has met with Kraus-Anderson, owners of the land <br />in quest5on, on Six separate occassions, and they submitted a counter pro- <br />posal to the City which would invotve a land "swap" of the City's ezisting <br />land for land on the northwest corner of Sitver lake Road and County RoSd I <br />(See attached letter). <br />9. Staff concurs wlth Kraus-Anderson that this proposed land swap rould benefit <br />both parties and we have continued to explore that Dossibilfty. <br />10. As of 12/10/79, the City has not consumated any land sa1e, but we will be <br />reques N ng conceptuai approval from the City Council fn the first two weeks <br />in January. (See enclosed resolutton fram City Council). <br />
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