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DEPAflTMENT OF PARKS, <br />, RECREHTION ANO FORESTRV <br />Cif o� �ou�o�s Ve�i <br />� qqMSEVCOVNTY,MINNE50TA <br />'1001 NIGNWAV 10 <br />MOUNOS V IEW, MINN. 55f II <br />MEPU TO: Baxry Bauer, Director af Community Education, Mounds View School <br />Diatrict 11621 <br />PROM: Bruce Anderaon, Director of Parka, Recreatian S Forestry, City <br />of Moimds View <br />DATE: February 16, 1978 <br />RB: Development of Edgewood Jr. High School Outdoor Facilities <br />"Man fwctiona as a total organism. Each experience and each learning <br />opportunity leaves a lasting imprint on his total being. They not only <br />make changea in his or her meatal or physical being� but also in [heir <br />social and emotional attitudea. For a fruitful and puxposeful liviag, <br />man must be an active participant in more phasea of educational and reczea- <br />[ional endeawrs and e�cperiences than those foimd merely in the classroom <br />during his school years." * <br />It was with those wozds in mind that the combined planning efforta of City <br />OEficials, School Administrators, Phy-Ed Teachers and Community Educators <br />began the project of developing a master plan for the outdoor facilities <br />at Edge�aood Jr. High. <br />TAe firat phase of planning began by assessing the erziating facilities in <br />relatioa to the preaent and future demands on the site. There presenely are <br />two major users of the Edgewood School site. that being the day school program <br />ead municipal athletic programs. <br />A rough drawing of [he existing facilities can be found in Addendum A. As <br />can be no[ed the site presently has one baseball iield, 3 softball fielda, <br />4[ennia courts and one football field. It should be noted that Edgewood <br />Jr. High has the only tennia courts and official foo[ball field located <br />vithin the boundaries of the City of Mounds View. <br />The preaent condition of the baseball and softball fields fe at 6est <br />deplorable. The tennis couxts are presently in need of resurfacing and the <br />net posts should be ceplaced due to poor construction. The football field <br />although freshly sodded in 1576, is also in poor condition, because of <br />misuve and poor mainteaance procedures. <br />After reviewing the existing facilities it was determined that becauae of the <br />high demand that the fields are presently experiencing, we could not cut baek <br />in the number of facilicies. So rather Uan revamp tLe entire area, [he planning <br />•Plannin¢ Areas aud Facilities for Heal[h. Physical Hducation and <br />Recreation. The Athletic Ins:itute. 1966. <br />