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... . . . ... . . .. . . . . 1-. <br />-2- <br />�^SWNCILMEMBER'S REPORT There was no formal Councilmember's report aa <br />� Councilmember poty �ad calletl reyuestinq to <br />'�" be excused from the meeting. 9taEf diA <br />review the capital improvemanGs approveA by <br />the City Council, and atated their pleasure <br />with the positive suppoct the City Council <br />has provided. <br />MNDOM PARK FENCING StafE reviewed the ataff inemorandum ou[lining <br />the actions taken to date with the ebutting <br />property owners of Random Park. Staff inet <br />with five neighbor�ood residente on Tuesdey, <br />September 4 to review their concerne follow- <br />ing the installation of the new pleyqround <br />equipment. The neiqhbocs were unenimously <br />and quite adamently in eqceement lhet ehe <br />only solution to ehe problems ot treapaesing, <br />noise and qeneral disruption, ae well ea <br />future vandaltsm, would be to inetell a 5 <br />foot fence fcom Ridqa Lene nort�werd tying <br />into the exiatinq 4 Eoot fence. seaEE recom- <br />mended thet t�e Commisston teke a"wait and <br />eee" atlitude reqerdinq the fencinq of Random <br />Park, end provide e major plenling end berm- <br />inq pcoyrem to eerve es a sound barriar. <br />.--�. <br />M[. Sheh, 5238 Lony Leke Roed, wes in atten- <br />-- dance at the meeting, end indicated his sup- <br />port of atefE's poaition atatinq that the <br />young people needed an opportunity to play <br />anC thet he dtd not feel the new playground <br />apparatue wes a detrlment to the neighbor- <br />hood. He fucther wen[ on to say that he com- <br />mended the Park Commiseion for improving the <br />peck and felt thet !t had increesed the value <br />of �le properey, The Park Commission review- <br />eA their exieting fancing policy, and felt <br />thet ft wee concurrent with staEE's recommen- <br />datton. Following e qeneral discussion of <br />the tssue, e motion was made by Commissioner <br />Bowmen, xaconded by Commisaioner Weflen to <br />pcovlde berming antl planting on the eastside <br />oC Rendom ea per staff's recommendation. The <br />motlon wae edopted unanimously. <br />6 aycs, 0 nayes <br />T�e Commiseion further stated t�at the issue <br />ehould bd revtowed again in 6 months. <br />