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'��." �RBENFIBLD PARK GRANT <br />; <br />-3- <br />Staff reviewed a memorandum indicetiny Chet <br />the City had received a grant in the emount <br />of $175,000.00 which needed to be metchud by <br />the City of Mounda View on a SUB beele or <br />587,500.00. Staff reviewed a number of op- <br />tions as to how ehe 508 match could be Eund- <br />ed; including Storm Water Menayement Fund, <br />interest from Special Projacts Fund, enA cep- <br />ital reserves. Ae no [ormel ectlon was <br />required on this ieeue, [he Comminelon accep- <br />ted staEf's report end directed Cham !o pro- <br />ceed with the final qrent epplicetlon. <br />COMPOST AND RECYCLING StaEf reviewed a memo[endum outllnlnq the <br />PROGRAM composting proqcem G�et wa• echadulsd to open <br />on October 17 and run tor � wseks throuqh ehe <br />November 11. scaee indtcetsd thet some <br />improvements were mada to th� pcoqrem in 1984 <br />includinq expansion ot t�e [enced tn eree as <br />well as constructlnq e clas� S roadwey end <br />second gete throuqh th� perk •lt�. <br />Staff ehen Atecuee�d with the Commiseion the <br />Eeasibility oE ezpendinp the compoeting site <br />to include e recycliny proqram, steff stated <br />that they had con[eclad Recycling Unlimitetl <br />regardinq t�e placement of berrels Eor glass, <br />aluminum cene enA newepeper at the site, and <br />they indicatad they would be willing to do <br />so. Tha Commission dlscuesed the issue of <br />expenAinQ t�s compo�tln� ette into a recyc- <br />linq cenler, entl falt thet Ehere were ade- <br />quate meene evetleble Eor recycling wit�in <br />t�e C1ly throuyh the Mounde Viaw Square and <br />drop stles. A mollon wae made by Commission- <br />er Bowmen, eeconded by Commisaioner Silvis to <br />Eorwerd eny turther revlew of expanding the <br />caayclinp proycem to the City's Energy Com- <br />miseton. Motton passed unanimously. <br />6 eyas, 0 nayes <br />FALL RECREATION Steff revlewed a memorandum outlining the <br />PROGRAM UPDATE fell recrsetion progcams and highlighted the <br />new progrema aveilable. As no formal action <br />wea reyuired on thie issue, the Commission <br />eccepteA steff's ceport as presented. <br />