Future Land Use Plan
<br /> • The map on page 17 represents the proposed future land use plan for the City of Mounds View.
<br /> The land use plan acknowledges that Mounds View is a fully developed community and
<br /> emphasizes the need to maintain and enhance the existing land use pattern. It must be emphasized
<br /> that this plan is general in nature and that each specific development proposal should be reviewed
<br /> by the community to ensure compatibility with existing built environment and with the City's
<br /> goals and policies. The map on page 18 identifies those parcels or areas that would undergo a
<br /> change in proposed land use designation.
<br /> Definitions
<br /> The following definitions help describe each land use category:
<br /> SFD: Single-Family, Detached: Single-family dwellings and platted lots.
<br /> SFA: Single-Family, Attached: Land containing one or more buildings with two or more dwelling units,
<br /> each of which has primary ground floor access to the outside and which are attached to each other by party
<br /> walls without openings. Examples include two family dwellings, three family dwellings, town homes, and
<br /> town home outlots.
<br /> MF: Multifamily: Land containing one or more buildings with three or more dwelling units, one or more of
<br /> which does not have primary access to the outside and which are attached to each other by party walls
<br /> without openings. Examples include fourplexes, apartments, cooperatives, and condominiums.
<br /> • MHP: Manufactured Housing Park: Land that has been planned, improved, and subdivided for the
<br /> placement of manufactured housing for dwelling purposes.
<br /> NC: Neighborhood Commercial: Neighborhood commercial uses would typically be located in a
<br /> predominantly residential area. Examples would include small, detached retail establishments,
<br /> neighborhood shopping centers, convenience grocery stores (not supermarket), Laundromat (self service
<br /> washing and drying), professional offices, day care centers, and barber/beauty shops.
<br /> CC: Community Commercial: Land use principally engaged in the provision of goods or services with a
<br /> primary service to the community. Such uses would typically be located in a small commercial/retail
<br /> center. Examples would include community shopping center, retail, service oriented businesses, funeral
<br /> homes,banks, savings and loans, restaurants and/or bars,veterinary clinics, and day care centers.
<br /> RC: Regional Commercial: Land use principally engaged in the provision of goods and services with a
<br /> primary service area of 10 or more miles. Regional commercial uses would typically be located in or near a
<br /> large commercial/retail center. Examples would include nurseries, full line department stores,
<br /> supermarkets, regional shopping centers, parking structures and lots, theaters, lodge halls, restaurants,
<br /> hotels and motels, and amusement parks,and sport/public assembly facilities.
<br /> HC: Highway Commercial: Land use principally engaged in the provision of goods and services that
<br /> primarily services customers attracted from a nearby major transportation arterial. Examples include hotels,
<br /> motels, drive-in/fast food restaurants,gas stations, car washes, and automotive service stations.
<br /> OFC: Office: Land use predominantly involved in administrative, professional, or clerical services.
<br /> SExamples include office buildings, medical clinics and offices, and dental offices.
<br /> MU-PUD: Mixed Use - Planned Unit Development: Land containing a building or buildings with a
<br /> combination of uses, including residential, commercial and/or office uses.
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