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Res. Authorizing HVAC Improvements for the Event Center at Community Center <br />Page 2 <br />ASHRAE 62.1 energy credits for cleaner air. <br />3. Provision of four zone temperature sensors, three relative humidity sensors and three zone <br />CO2 sensors to allow real time monitoring of space conditions. <br />4. Upon completion of this phase of the project, an air balance will be completed to verify that <br />the proper airflow is being achieved throughout the system. <br />5. This project will qualify for Xcel Energy rebates under both the prescriptive and custom <br />rebate programs. Trane will assist the owner in applying for these rebates and the <br />supporting documentation needed for establishing the potential savings. <br />6. This proposal includes: <br />• Project management, engineering and technical checkout of the system <br />• Installation of the new roof top unit with all sheet metal / electrical connections required <br />• Installation of Genesis Air Cleaner and (1) set replacement bulbs <br />• Integration of the new roof top unit to the existing BAS. <br />• Sensors, actuators and end devices required to complete sequence of operation <br />• Updating of the SC data base and system graphics and programming <br />• Owner Training <br />• As -built documentation <br />• Five year component and labor warranty service <br />Trane proposes to furnish, install, and perform the above work for $159,640. Trane is a current <br />official contract holder on the Cooperative Purchasing Network ("TPCN") and provides a Total <br />Solutions Provider Program for municipalities. TPCN performed the competitive solicitation for this <br />type of work and Trane has used these unit prices in developing the proposal fee, whereby <br />eliminating the need to have a separate public bid for these improvements. <br />The mechanical engineer performing the retrocommissioning study at the Community Center has <br />also reviewed and discussed the proposal with Trane. In addition, the rebates offered by Xcel are <br />estimated to be about $10,000 if the improvements are done. <br />Recommendation: <br />City staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing Trane to <br />perform HVAC improvements to the Event Center at the Community Center. The improvements will <br />not only provide a much more comfortable and environmentally friendly indoor air quality, but a <br />smaller RTU and newer technology will decrease energy consumption. RTU#4 is at the end of its <br />useful life (15 years) and is in need of replacement. Monies have not been specifically budgeted for <br />in the 2013 budget, but the Finance Director has indicated monies are available in the Special <br />Projects Fund (480-4180-7050). <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Nick DeBar - Public Works Director <br />