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RESOLUTION 8145 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AUTHORIZING HVAC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE EVENT CENTER AT THE <br />COMMUNITY CENTER <br />WHEREAS, the Community Center was constructed in three phases during 1997 <br />and 1998, incorporating various building components of the Bel -Rae Ballroom facility that <br />occupied the site prior to construction; and <br />WHEREAS, there has been a history of problems with HVAC equipment in the Event <br />Center (Zone 4) creating poor environmental conditions and requiring many staff hours and <br />remedial expenses to address; and <br />WHEREAS, the existing 70 -ton roof top unit for the Event Center is at the end of its <br />useful life and is not capable of providing the needed indoor air quality, creating a potential <br />climate for unhealthy environmental conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with current contract with the Cooperative Purchasing <br />Network ("TCPN"), Trane US, Inc. provided a cost proposal to furnish and install a 50 -ton <br />roof top unit, a Genesis Air Cleaning system, zone sensors, testing, balance, integration <br />with current building automation system, staff training, as -built documentation, and other <br />related and miscellaneous work to address the current issues in the Event Center for <br />$159,640. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mounds <br />View, Ramsey County, Minnesota as follows: <br />1. The cost proposal submitted by Trane US, Inc. to furnish and install the above said <br />HVAC improvements for the Event Center at the Community Center is hereby approved <br />for $159,640. <br />2. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf <br />of the City, to enter into an agreement with Trane US, Inc. for said work for said amount. <br />3. A 5% contingency of $8,000 is approved for unforeseen expenses related to the <br />improvements for a budget amount not to exceed $167,640 for said services. Use of <br />contingency will require pre -approved by the Public Works Director. <br />4. Payment for the above said work shall be paid for from Account 480-4180-7050 and the <br />2013 adopted budget be amended to reflect the additional expenditure. <br />Adopted this 26th day of August, 2013. <br />Flaherty, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />James Ericson, City Administrator <br />(SEAL) <br />