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Item No: 7J <br />S <br />j%Aj Meeting Date: August 26 2013 <br />MOT � �J ♦ tE— Type of Business: Councilw:61!Business <br />U1V jJ Administrator Review: <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />NEW - <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />From: Nick DeBar, Public Works Director <br />Item Title/Subject: Resolution 8146, Authorizing Building Automation Control Software <br />for Network Access <br />Background: <br />Earlier this year, the antiquated building automation system (BAS) at the Community Center was <br />replaced with a new controller and software. This BAS is accessible on-line and has allowed Public <br />Works staff to monitor, adjust, troubleshoot, and trend the indoor air climates of the various zones <br />of the facility without being on-site. The City Hall facility has a Trane "Tracker" BAS that was <br />installed in 2006 with the City Hall remodel. However, unlike the new BAS at the Community <br />Center, the City Hall BAS is controlled by a push screen unit on-site and is not accessible anywhere <br />but on-site at the unit. <br />Discussion: <br />Public Works is charged with operating and managing the HVAC components and indoor air <br />comfort level of the various rooms and spaces for the municipal buildings. Several of these facilities <br />(Community Center and City Hall) are used after normal business hours and require immediate <br />attention to address alarms and other issues with indoor air comfort levels. The Community Center <br />BAS is now accessible on-line but there is a need to access the City Hall BAS remotely as well. <br />Public Works worked with Trane US, Inc. to develop a solution to gaining BAS access and receiving <br />alarms of critical systems for the two facilities and future facilities and systems. Trane proposes to <br />furnish and install a Trane Tracer ES system onto the City network to provide a global view of the <br />facilities. This system is a non-proprietary, open protocol, operating platform that will allow the <br />various manufacturer controls to be operated by the system and allow for future expandability with <br />competitive bidding. This will be particularly useful when likely future improvements are made, <br />which can be interfaced with the Tracer ES controller and accessed via the network in the future. <br />Trane provided a cost proposal to furnish and install a Trane Tracer ES controller and software on <br />the network for $15,664 plus applicable taxes. The price also includes interfacing the City Hall BAS <br />controller, programming, graphics, trends, alarms, start-up, commissioning, and on-site training. <br />Recommendation: <br />City staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Trane to <br />furnish and install a BAS for network access. This improvement was discussed when the <br />Community Center BAS was upgraded and will accommodate any future systems installed at the <br />municipal facilities. Monies have not been specifically budgeted for in the 2013 budget, but the <br />Finance Director has indicated monies are available in the Special Projects Fund (480-4180-7050). <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Nick DeBar - Public Works Director <br />