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Mounds View City Council July 8, 2013 <br />Regular Meeting Page 2 <br />i Mayor Flaherty thanked the representative from DeMar Signs for being present this evening. He <br />2 then questions which sign rendering would be used for the proposed monument sign. Scott <br />3 Makij, DeMar Signs, discussed the renderings stating the final design would be up to the <br />4 Council, along with the final height of the sign. <br />5 <br />6 Mayor Flaherty was in favor of increasing the proposed height to more closely match the existing <br />7 sign height. Mr. Makij explained his intent was to use the existing sign poles for the new sign. <br />8 <br />9 Mayor Flaherty requested further information on the Watch Fire reader sign. Steve Van Howden, <br />10 Watch Fire Signs, indicated Watch Fire has been in the sign industry for 80 years, building LED <br />11 signs for the past 18 years. He commented Watch Fire provided a great LED sign product and <br />12 would come with a five-year warranty. He discussed the proprietary software that would <br />13 accompany the electronic message sign. <br />14 <br />15 City Administrator Ericson questioned the resolution difference between the 25 and 19 <br />16 millimeter signs. Mr. Van Howden reviewed this information in detail with Council and Staff. <br />17 He discussed the size of the characters that could be used for each sign along with the number of <br />18 lines of text. <br />19 <br />20 Mayor Flaherty questioned construction timeline for the project. Mr. Makij estimated the project <br />21 would take eight to ten weeks to complete. He stated the monument base and etched limestone <br />22 would have to be completed prior to the installation of the electronic message sign. <br />23 <br />24 Mayor Flaherty requested a final rendering come before the Council prior to construction. He <br />25 noted the funding for this project would come out of the Special Projects Fund and the proposed <br />26 project would greatly benefit the community while improving the appearance of the Highway 10 <br />27 corridor. <br />28 <br />29 MOTION/SECOND: Flaherty/Mueller. To Waive the Reading and Adopt Resolution 8117, <br />3o Authorizing the Purchase of a Full Color 45 x 163 Watch Fire Electronic Message Sign for City <br />31 Hall. <br />32 <br />33 Ayes — 5 Nays — 0 Motion carried. <br />34 <br />35 B. Resolution 8118, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Health Care Facility <br />36 Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (Apple Tree Dental Project). <br />37 <br />38 Finance Director Beer explained the Council approved the Apple Tree Dental Project in 2012 <br />39 and requested the use of conduit financing through the City. Preliminary approval was provided <br />4o by the City and Apple Tree Dental was before the Council this evening requesting final <br />41 authorization of the issuance and sale of Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds. <br />42 <br />43 Dr. Michael Helgeson, Apple Tree Dental, was pleased to be before the Council this evening <br />44 with the final financing package. He discussed the project details further with the Council and <br />45 thanked them for their patience. <br />