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City of Mounds View <br />Planning and Zoning Commission - Bylaws <br />Page 5 <br />VII. INFORMATIONAL PACKETS: Each Commissioner shall receive a staff report, plans <br />and additional information, as appropriate, for each item placed on the agenda for <br />any regular or special meeting. The Commission packet should be delivered at least <br />four days prior to the meeting. Each Commissioner is responsible for reviewing the <br />material within the packet prior to the meeting. <br />VIII. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS: Advice from, consultation with, and/or requests <br />for review by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planning Agency, or other paid <br />consultants shall be in accordance with the Municipal Code, Section 401.07. <br />IX. SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS: All Commission members shall receive a copy <br />of the Mounds View Municipal Code and a copy of the Municipal Comprehensive <br />Plan as well as other materials provided by the City Council or City Staff. These <br />materials shall be retained by each commission member and returned to the <br />Community Development Director upon the member's resignation or termination of <br />appointment. <br />X. CONDUCT OF MEMBERS <br />A. ATTENDANCE: Commission members shall advise the designated Staff <br />member or the Commission chairperson of an anticipated absence from any <br />regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Any member absent from <br />three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings or more than six regularly <br />scheduled meetings per year without the consent of the Commission shall be <br />deemed to have vacated the office, and such vacancy shall be filled by the City <br />Council pursuant to Section 401.03, Subd. 1. A leave of absence may be <br />granted by the consent of the Commission. <br />B. CONFLICT OF INTEREST.• <br />General Standard: No Commissioner shall be appointed with private or <br />personal interests likely to conflict with the general public interest. If any <br />person appointed to the Commission shall find that their private or personal <br />interests are involved in any matter coming before the Commission, they <br />shall disqualify themselves from taking part in any discussion or action on the <br />matter; alternatively, they may be disqualified by a two-thirds (2/3) majority <br />vote of the Commissioners in attendance. <br />