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2. Conflict Due to Economic Interests: A Commissioner has a conflict of <br />interest if, in his or her discharge of official duties, would be required to take <br />an action or make a decision that would substantially affect the <br />Commissioner's financial interests or those of an associated business, <br />unless the effect on the Commissioner is no greater than on other members <br />of the Commissioner's business classification, profession, or occupation. In <br />the event a conflict of interest exists with respect to a particular matter before <br />the Commission, the Commissioner shall disqualify himself or herself from <br />taking part in any discussion or action on the matter. <br />C. EX PARTE CONTACTS: Ex parte contacts are contacts between individuals <br />seeking to influence the.decisions of the Planning Commission and individual <br />Commission members outside the meeting forum. Such contacts include <br />meetings with project proponents, residents, property owners, and citizens <br />separate from Commission meetings, communication between Commission <br />members outside the meeting forum, telephone calls or letters which attempt to <br />influence a Commissioner's opinion on a matter which will be subject to the <br />Commissioner's vote. When the Planning Commission is involved in a matter <br />which is to be heard and decided by the Commission (e.g. variances), Planning <br />Commissioners shall indicate to the person contacting them that such contact is <br />inappropriate and all testimony needs to be offered at the hearing to ensure a <br />fair hearing for all parties. In all other cases, Planning Commissioners should <br />discourage such contacts and should avoid expressing any opinion as to the <br />merits of the case. When ex parte contacts occur, the Planning Commissioner <br />is responsible for notifying the Community Development Director, and for <br />conveying the substance of the communication at the next commission meeting <br />at which the matter discussed is under consideration. <br />ATTEST: <br />Gary Stevenson, Chairperson <br />James Ericson, City Administrator <br />Revision History' <br />January 24;20071 <br />September 1 2004' <br />February 21, 2001 <br />February 2, 2000 <br />March 5 1997 <br />February 3;'1993 <br />October 1990 <br />