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Mounds View Planning Commission <br />Regular Meeting <br />February 4, 2015 <br />Page 3 <br />Commissioner Schiltgen questioned how many fish houses staff believed were being stored in <br />the City. <br />Associate Heller commented that the majority were on lakes at this time. <br />Commissioner Rundle estimated that the City had at least 20-30 fish houses. <br />Commissioner Carvelli-Yu expressed concern that this situation could turn into shipping <br />containers being used as fish houses and she did not want to see those stored in front yards at any <br />time of the year in the City. She recommended staff be specific with the code to define what <br />would and would not be allowed. She suggested the term drop axle be placed in the code. <br />Chair Stevenson agreed the language needed to be tightened up, however, he understood that if <br />the code was made too strict it would be difficult for staff to enforce. <br />Al Hanson, 2832 Ardan Avenue, asked how a pull behind camper was regulated by City Code. <br />Associate Heller stated campers could be parked in a residential driveway at any time of the <br />year. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the differences between traditional/homemade fish houses <br />compared to drop axle fish houses. <br />Martha Pearson, 8475 Sunnyside, understood that the City did not want junky fish houses being <br />stored in front yards. However, she was in favor of allowing more freedom for residents to be <br />able to store units in their front yard. She discussed how people were now using fish houses as <br />campers in the summer months and for ice fishing through the winter months. <br />Scott Pearson, 8475 Sunnyside, discussed his striped orange fish house, noting it was painted this <br />color for safety purposes while parked on a lake. <br />Mr. Horbul explained that drop axle fish houses are built on a steel frame and are structurally <br />more sound. <br />Commissioner Carvelli-Yu asked how long drop axle fish houses have been being manufactured. <br />Commissioner Rundle estimated that this type of fish house has been manufactured for the past <br />five for six years. <br />Commissioner Birken recommended the term "drop axle" be written in the code amendment. <br />Chair Stevenson suggested the City Code read that 24 hour storage was allowed for all non -drop <br />axle fish houses and year round storage would be allowed for drop axle fish house units. <br />