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Mounds View Planning Commission <br />Regular Meeting <br />February 4, 2015 <br />Page 4 <br />Mrs. Pearson explained that fish houses are often broken into, which led her and her husband to <br />store their fish house in their driveway rather than on the lake when not in use. <br />Commissioner Elofson expressed concern that the City would be discriminating against residents <br />that don't own a more expensive type fish house. <br />Commissioner Schiltgen explained that residents could still have non drop axle fish houses, <br />however, they could not be stored on the driveway for more than 24 hours. <br />Commissioner Birken commented that this code amendment would assist with protecting <br />property values. <br />Mrs. Pearson indicated the new fish houses should be viewed in the same manner as a camper, <br />Chair Stevenson thanked the residents present for their input. He believed that the Commission <br />was going about the code amendment in the correct manner. <br />The Commission agreed. <br />7. Review Minutes: <br />A. January 21, 2015 <br />The Commission discussed the January 21, 2015 meeting minutes. No changes were made. <br />8. Reports <br />A. Upcoming Planning Cases <br />Planning Associate Heller discussed upcoming planning cases. She noted the Commission may <br />be reviewing a variance for sign height at a future meeting. <br />B. Staff Updates <br />Planning Associate Heller explained the Town Hall meeting would be held on Monday, March <br />30th from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. <br />