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View as of March 13,2020. The process of creating the vision consisted of <br /> conducting an imaginary tour for a visitor to Mounds View in 2020. After <br /> each individual conducted a detailed imaginary tour, the participants were <br /> asked to draw their respective visions for presentation to and discussion with <br /> the other participants. <br /> 2. Themes Common to a Majority of the Visions <br /> After sharing and discussing each individual's vision with all of the <br /> participants, a subgroup of the participants was asked to identify themes <br /> common to majority of the visions presented. The following common themes <br /> were identified: <br /> a. Greenspace <br /> b. Trees <br /> c. A boulevard"look"to the City <br /> d. Neighborhoods: living versus working <br /> e. Multiple family housing occupied currently by mobile homes. <br /> f. Trails and transportation systems connecting all parts of the <br /> community <br /> g. Redevelopment and revitalization <br /> h. Population growth of 2,000-3,000 <br /> i. Golf course remains part of the future <br /> 3. Significant differences evidenced among the individual visions: <br /> When sharing a number of individual visions about the future of a <br /> community, significant differences or points of divergence in perspectives <br /> and viewpoints can emerge. The subgroup addressing significant differences <br /> was asked to identify the differences and present an approach as to how these <br /> differences might be resolved toward a consensus for goal setting. The <br /> following "significant differences" and ideas for their potential resolution <br /> were provided: <br /> a. Rural versus urban development. <br /> 17 <br />