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Mounds View City Council August 23, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 15 <br /> Planning Associate Ericson stated another issue of concern with this proposal was the parking. He <br /> stated the neighborhood was very concerned that there not be any overflow parking or traffic <br /> encroaching into the neighborhood. He stated the developer has proposed 31 parking stalls, which <br /> exceeds the City's requirement for this type of use, and the Planning Commission recommended that <br /> the City Council adopt an ordinance that would revise the City Code pertaining to parking <br /> requirements of these types of uses. He stated that this ordinance, Ordinance 639, was also before <br /> the Council for consideration, however, the public hearing had not been set at this time. He stated <br /> staff would require direction from the Council to schedule the First Reading of Ordinance 639. <br /> Planning Associate Ericson stated the Planning Commission recommended City Council approval <br /> of the conditional use permit request, the rezoning request, and the Code Amendment to the R-4 <br /> Zoning District which clarifies the language pertaining to assisted living facilities. He stated there <br /> were a number of options available to the Council for action. He stated one option would be to <br /> direct staff to prepare a resolution approving the conditional use permit, to hold the public hearing <br /> and First Reading for the ordinance rezoning the property, and to direct staff to schedule a public <br /> hearing for the ordinance which amends the code. He stated the Council could also direct staff to <br /> draft a resolution denying the request for justifiable reasons. He stated, in this event, staff would be <br /> required to provide some reasons why denial would be appropriate. He stated another option would <br /> be to table the matter until the next City Council meeting, in the event that further information is <br /> required. <br /> Planning Associate Ericson stated the applicants and their representatives were present. He stated <br /> the residents in the neighborhood had been very involved in the discussions, and had provided some <br /> good comments and suggestions, and that this was appreciated. He stated there was still some work <br /> left to be done with regard to the site plan, should the conditional use permit was approved,however, <br /> those matters could be further discussed by the Council at one of the future meetings in September. <br /> David Jahnke, 8428 Eastwood Road, inquired if this was the same developer who had previously <br /> requested TIF financing. He inquired if the proposal was to develop apartments for senior citizens. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated he would classify the proposal as an assisted living/compartmentalized <br /> nursing home,with personal living units, and a common space in the center for dining and kitchen <br /> facilities. <br /> Mr. Jahnke stated he was concerned regarding the discussion that the City had met their quota of <br /> apartment buildings, and that they continue to build more. He inquired how many of these types of <br /> developments the City wants. Mayor Coughlin stated it is his understanding and belief that a <br /> community should have a good portion of life-cycle housing. He explained there should be housing <br /> available for people like himself, starting out in live with young families, larger homes to <br /> accommodate larger families, and when the children are grown, and not so much space is required, <br /> there should be condominiums, apartments or smaller dwellings available to meet those needs. He <br /> stated he believed this facility would be filling a niche for those individuals who suffer with <br /> Alzheimer's disease to some degree, as well as other disabilities which require some assistance, and <br /> to honor and provide dignity to their lives, and allow them as much independence as possible. He <br /> 15C:\ADMIN\MINUTES\CC\8-23-99.CC <br />