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Types of Rates the fixed portion equates to a service charge <br /> or billing fee and the total is modest—often <br /> Communities in the Twin Cities area use less than $5. In other cities, the fixed <br /> several types of rates for charging portion is higher and equates to what is <br /> residential customers: likelythe total fee fora typical ypical single-family <br /> • 41 use flat rates, residence. The uniform rate generally kicks <br /> • 44 use a base/uniform rate, in after a base volume is used: for example, <br /> • 11 use a uniform rate, above 1,000 gallons of use. <br /> • 5 use a base/increasing block rate, Uniform rates are set so that each gallon of <br /> • 1 uses an increasing block rate, and metered water use is charged the same rate. <br /> Bills are often based on usage of water <br /> • 1 uses a declining block rate. during the winter quarter so that <br /> These rates are defined as follows. homeowners are not charged sewerage fees <br /> The flat rate for residential customers is a based on water used in lawn and garden <br /> fixed dollar amount for each residential care. <br /> unit, regardless of use. It is generally Base/increasing block means there is a <br /> structured on several assumptions: that base charge (which may or may not cover <br /> volume varies little among single-family some gallons of use) plus a charge for <br /> houses; that system access or availability is volume that increases as more water is used. <br /> the principal consideration in costs; that They are set incrementally, usually in sets of <br /> revenue from flat rates is more predictable 5,000 to 10,000 gallons per block. <br /> than from volume-based rates; and that a Increasing block (IB) rates are based on <br /> flat rate system is easier to administer.Also, volume but are set so that the rate is higher <br /> flat rates are charged where water use is not as more water is used. They are set <br /> metered. To the extent that volumes vary incrementally, in sets of 5,000 to 10,000 <br /> among residential users, flat rates charge a gallons per block. <br /> greater amount per gallon to those who use <br /> the system less. Declining block (DB) rates are also based <br /> on volume but are set so that the rate is <br /> The base/uniform rate combines a fixed lower as more water is used. They are also <br /> dollar charge (generally, per month or per set incrementally. <br /> quarter)with a volume charge. The fixed <br /> dollar charge ranges widely. In some cities, <br /> 8 Study of 1998 Sewerage Rates <br />