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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 13 <br /> however, the State of Minnesota has set levy limits and restrictions on city government, and <br /> there must be a funding source for the roads. He explained the next road projects will be coming <br /> forward in 2 to 3 years, and either he, or a future Mayor, would be receiving a report that a road <br /> must be done, and there will be no funds available. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated he was planning for the future. He commented this was a painful <br /> process, and he wished past Council's had considered the long term, and provided a plan to pay <br /> for the roads. He explained, however, "the buck stops here", and he would take responsibility <br /> for it. He stated it was his desire to leave a City that is in as great, or better shape, when his <br /> children are grown, and he is an old person, in one of the senior high rises. He added that <br /> whether or not you agree with this explanation, the Council has a duty to protect the investment <br /> of the citizens who have gone before, in the streets, sidewalks, trails, and intra-structure of the <br /> City. <br /> Mayor Coughlin reiterated that Mounds View is a small town, and they have not invested in the <br /> intra-structure when they should have, and when it would have been much less expensive. He <br /> reiterated that what is good in terms of road standards can be debated, however, the City can not, <br /> and he will not, ignore this issue, and pass this responsibility on to someone else. He added he <br /> was not about to sign a document to reduce assessment rates on citizens when their roads need to <br /> be redone, if the City does not have funds available to make up the difference. He explained the <br /> good faith of the City begins with the Mayor, and he intends to meet these obligations, adding <br /> that if this proposal is overturned, he will propose an 100 percent assessment rate for everyone, <br /> so they can pay for the road in front of their house. <br /> Mayor Coughlin noted a recent street project on his road, and a number of people who live there <br /> had asked him how they were going to pay $7,000 to $9,000 for assessment. He explained that <br /> many of these people live on fixed incomes and can not afford to pay this amount, even on a ten- <br /> year payment plan. He advised that he must protect the interests of these people as well. He <br /> stated these projects would cost a certain amount of money, whether they are paid for in small <br /> increments, or up front. He noted that bonds are delayed taxation, plus interest, and he advised <br /> the City could set money aside, and earn interest on it to provide there is a little more to work <br /> with when the time comes to undertake some of these projects, or there will be no funds <br /> available. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated this matter was not optional, and must be addressed. He added if anyone <br /> could come forward with a better idea of how to generate the funds necessary to deal with these <br /> issues, he was more than willing to listen. He explained, however, the hands of the City have <br /> been tied with levy limits and the like, and the City must act now. He reiterated there are streets <br /> and roads in the City that will require attention in a few years, and that will not be the time to <br /> deal with the funding issue. <br /> State Representative Barbara Haake stated her home was located on County Road I, one of <br /> the roads that has recently been resurfaced. She commented that many people have driven down <br /> her road, and are aware of the condition it was in, and how very important it was that it was <br /> upgraded. She added this was not the only road in Mounds View in this type of condition. She <br /> stated she sat on two committees at the State House of Representatives, that relate to the present <br /> consideration, Transportation Policy and Transportation Finance, which are addressing State <br /> policy in terms of the roads;and how they will finance-them. <br />