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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 18 <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated sewer and water lines are typically buried to a depth that will not be <br /> affected. He explained that generally the intra-structure is comprised of a two-inch binder of <br /> asphalt, the first layer, and an additional layer of approximately two inches on top of that. He <br /> added, however, there is also the substructure, which is comprised of limestone and class five <br /> rock that becomes compressed over time, and may require repair. <br /> Mrs. Warner inquired if she was correct in assuming, therefore, that when the roads are re- <br /> surfaced, the citizens will not also be assessed for replacing water and sewer lines. <br /> Mayor Coughlin explained this would only be the case if absolutely necessary. He stated if there <br /> is nothing wrong with the present utilities, he would not care to replace them. He pointed out <br /> there were places in the City where these lines are fairly old, however, new technology may <br /> provide solutions to this in terms of liners which can be installed in the utility lines, and this <br /> repair process does not require that the intra-structure be disturbed. <br /> Mrs. Warner inquired in the event that extensive work is required on water or sewer lines, if the <br /> people affected will be notified. Mayor Coughlin stated they would. <br /> Mrs. Warner stated the Mayor's road is beautiful, and she was very glad that they did not make it <br /> wider, and install curbs, as this would have destroyed all of the beautiful trees. She stated there <br /> is a beautiful canopy over the road now. She commented that had they made the road wider and <br /> installed curbs, the root systems of the remaining trees would have been destroyed, and they <br /> would have died. She inquired regarding Mayor Coughlin's expense for the improvement of this <br /> road. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated this was a County turnback road, and the County was planning to give <br /> the City the funds to make this improvement, however, decided to do this "in house." <br /> Mrs. Warner suggested Mayor Coughlin request the County to extend this largess to the senior <br /> citizens in the area. She explained they have already paid for the water and sewer assessments, <br /> not only from a frontage standpoint, but also, area wide, and there are older people within the <br /> City who are still paying of that obligation. She requested Mayor Coughlin give the matter some <br /> consideration. <br /> Mrs. Warner noted that Mayor Coughlin had not cut her comment period off after three minutes. <br /> She requested to make an additional comment. <br /> Mayor Coughlin inquired if it was germane to the issue. <br /> Mrs. Warner stated she was not aware if it was or not, however, as a citizen of a democracy, she <br /> did not believe there should be time limits when citizens speak. She explained that the Mayor <br /> should be able to determine when a citizen is going off track. She stated she has thought this <br /> ever since Mayor Coughlin instituted this policy. <br /> Mayor Coughlin explained he did not institute this longstanding policy,he simply enforces it. <br /> Mrs. Warner stated she understood. She explained she was a great believer in democracy, and <br /> has lived twice the years as Mayor Coughlin, through the triumphs and the debauches of <br />