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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 17 <br /> however, the matter will always "smack" of the "Bel Ray backroom deal," or the telephone <br /> operated water meters, unless the people are provided the opportunity to have full input. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated one of the things he sees as different with this Council, is the number of <br /> Task Forces, committees, and citizen's groups which are given the charge of examining many of <br /> the issues. He explained that good citizens have spent a fair amount of time, and this City has <br /> spent a fair amount of money over the year for facilitators and the like, to determine solutions to <br /> problems. He commented the reports are given, the Council accepts them, and the <br /> recommendations are then put on the shelf to collect dust. He explained the Streets Policies <br /> Committee was given the charge of researching the background of this issue, and to recommend <br /> a comprehensive street policy to the City Council. He noted this group was open to everyone, <br /> and in fact, extended the time it was open for citizen participation, because they desired the <br /> citizen's input. He explained the committee's recommendation has been provided to the <br /> Council, the Council has accepted it, and the matter will not collect dust. He stated they are <br /> listening to the citizens. <br /> Mayor Coughlin explained, in regard to "sneaky, backroom dealings," as even the documents on <br /> the Council Chamber walls can attest, the issues have been out in the open for months, and every <br /> single meeting was open to the public. He commented he was pleased to see Mr. Obert in <br /> attendance, adding that his testimony at a recent Planning Commission meeting indicated he was <br /> not paying much attention to City business. Mayor Coughlin stated there have been countless <br /> opportunities for information, and in fact, Council Member Quick had insisted the Council <br /> provide two public hearings to discuss the Streets Policies Committee report. He explained this <br /> report contained a recommendation to reduce the assessment rate to 25 percent, and a <br /> recommendation to create a long-term fund dedicated to the intra-structure. He stated with the <br /> exception of the committee members, no one attended those hearings. He noted the entire report <br /> was published in the Mounds View Matters, and was reported on in the newspapers, however, <br /> nobody showed up for the discussion. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated every opportunity has been extended for comment, at every step along <br /> the way. He advised that every citizen has a responsibility to remain informed of the issues. He <br /> reiterated they had attempted to provide notification, and the hearings were published. He added <br /> it might have been done better, as they all make mistakes and can play "hindsight is 20/20," <br /> however, he would not allow the Council to be painted with the brush that they are not listening <br /> to the citizens, and are trying to "ramrod" an item through. He stated this was a difficult issue, <br /> and he would rather be at home with his family, however, this is his responsibility as a good <br /> steward of the entire community. <br /> Nadjai Warner, 2765 Sherwood Road, asked Mayor Coughlin if the proposed funds were being <br /> set aside simply to cover the costs of re-surfacing of the streets, or if these projects would <br /> involve tearing up the intra-structure. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated this depends upon the specific project, and what it requires. He <br /> explained some roads will simply be ground up and recycled, like Spring Lake Road and County <br /> Road I. Some roads, such as County Road H-2, in light of its truck traffic, may actually have <br /> been deteriorated, in terms of the substructure. <br /> Mrs. Warner inquired who would determine if the intra-structure was to be replaced, adding that <br /> by definition, she was assuming the intra-structure involved water and sewer lines. <br />