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03-03-1996 WS
City Council
Agenda Packets
03-03-1996 WS
Entry Properties
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MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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City Council Packets
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ADJUSTMENT ANALYSIS <br /> . The Sales Comparison Approach requires adjusting and analyzing <br /> comparables to derive a value <br /> estimate for the subject. The various sale prices are adjusted after identifying relevant adjustment <br /> factors and after quantifying the effect of a difference between the comparables and subject. <br /> Before any adjustment can be identified or quantified, a sale must be considered sufficiently <br /> comparable to the subject property. Even if the sale is considered sufficiently comparable, a <br /> determination must be made as to the adequacy of the data collected. <br /> The difficulty in quantifying adjustments is a result of real estate being unique in nature, with no <br /> two properties being identical. Additionally, not all differences require an adjustment. This is true <br /> if the market does not pay a premium or lower the price for a difference between similar <br /> properties. The Appraiser typically will have to rely on reason and experience to decide which <br /> differences should be adjusted, as well as the magnitude of any adjustment. <br /> The most appropriate use for an adjustment grid and pairing sales for specific dollar or percentage <br /> adjustments is for simple properties where relatively few adjustments explain differences in value. <br /> Vacant land, simple retail, some industrial, and residential properties fall into this category. <br /> Another consideration in the sales comparison approach is that adjustments can be overlapping. <br /> Overlapping adjustments are those that look like independent adjustments, but may in fact be <br /> reflecting the same market consideration for differences in price. For example, adjustments for <br /> • utility, location, zoning, and traffic count may be overlapping and may all be included in the <br /> market perception of location. If various location factors such as traffic count or zoning are <br /> delineated for adjustment, the appraiser should consider the specific effect of each factor on value. <br /> The adjustment process is an attempt to account for significant adjustment factors between the <br /> comparables and the subject property. The comparables are adjusted to the subject property for <br /> their dissimilar features. Therefore, if the comparable has a feature that is better than that found <br /> in the subject property, a downward adjustment is applied. If, on the other hand, the feature is <br /> worse than in the subject, or non-existent in the comparable, an upward adjustment is applied. The <br /> physical differences and/or characteristics that exist between the comparables and the subject are <br /> adjusted to indicate a reasonable value conclusion for the property being appraised. <br /> 1. Real properly rights conveyed - The real property rights conveyed is the first <br /> adjustment because the appraisal of the subject property rights can only be <br /> compared to similar property rights. If no information can be obtained to extract <br /> an adjustment of, for example, a fee simple interest to a leased fee interest or <br /> leased fee to fee simple, then the sale should not be used. In practice, a sale of a <br /> fee simple interest is typically not compared to a leased fee or leasehold estate. <br /> Typically, comparability required omitting sales of different property interests. It <br /> can be seen that this is a major reason why this is the first consideration. All <br /> comparable sales are of fee simple interests, so no adjustments are necessary. <br /> 11111 <br /> -45- <br />
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