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03-03-1996 WS
City Council
Agenda Packets
03-03-1996 WS
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/28/2025 4:46:43 PM
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6/19/2018 8:08:37 AM
MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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City Council Packets
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• <br /> • Financing -A financing adjustment is actually a specific motivation adjustment and <br /> often is not capable of being accurately derived from a mathematical discounting <br /> process. The most reliable financing adjustment is from paired sales, but such <br /> detailed data is generally not available from sales information. In practice, the <br /> parties in a transaction should be consulted concerning the effects of financing and <br /> this should be compared to a mathematically derived indication by discounting the <br /> payments specified by the transaction at the market rate of interest. The most <br /> commonly used market value definition requires appraising to "cash, with typical <br /> institutional financing or other stated terms". Furthermore, if the subject is <br /> assumed to have other than typical institutional terms, the terms and the effects of <br /> the financing on the appraised value should be set forth in the report. The <br /> comparables are purchased on a cash equivalent or cash basis, and therefore no <br /> adjustment is necessary. <br /> 3. Conditions of sale (motivation) - Similar to property rights conveyed, a motivation <br /> other than that assumed in the value definition may require discarding a sale from <br /> consideration. For example, if a sale were affected by undue duress, then no <br /> appropriate adjustment could probably be derived. However, an adjustment for <br /> plottage, purchasing additional land for expansion or parking, and other typically <br /> motivated sales may have an adjustment that may be inferred from the market by <br /> comparison or from information provided by the buyer or seller. The comparable <br /> land sales were confirmed to be an arm's length <br /> conditions of sale. Therefore, no adjustment was mmade coon and have typical <br /> 4. Market conditions (time) - A time adjustment is a market conditions adjustment <br /> because it is changes in the marketplace, and not the passage of time, that causes <br /> prices to change (the principle of change). Time adjustments may be straight-line <br /> (noncompounded) or compound (curvilinear). Neither method is more appropriate <br /> than the other as long as market changes are accurately adjusted, and as long <br /> as the <br /> procedure used is consistent with the method used when a time adjustment was <br /> abstracted and with the mariner in which it was applied. Because of the varying <br /> nature of the real estate industry in the area, as well as the Twin Cities <br /> Metropolitan Area, we have applied a 3% adjustments per year in the analysis of <br /> the comparable land transactions. <br /> 5. Location- The location of each sale has been reviewed and compared to the subject <br /> in terms of access, visibility, identity, proximity to support services and market <br /> area. Tracts of similar highest and best use should be compared. Generally, it is <br /> inappropriate to use sales of different highest and best use with an attempt to adjust <br /> the differences for location. For example, it would be better to obtain sales of the <br /> same highest and best use from a larger area and adjust for differences in location, <br /> than to obtain sales of properties that are closer to the subject but have a different <br /> highest and best use. All the comparable sales were considered to have a similar <br /> 1111 <br /> -46- <br />
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