Res. 7817, Awarding Const. Contract to Ebert Const. & Authorizing TKDA for Lambert Park Shelter Proj.
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<br />up the construction progress. Any use of this contingency amount must be approved by the Public
<br />Works Director through a change order.
<br />
<br />The following is a summary of the estimated project costs and year payable:
<br />
<br />Item Total Costs 2011 Payable 2012 Payable
<br />Design Fee (TKDA) $ 24,200 $ 24,200 $ 0
<br />Const. Admin Fee (TKDA) $ 15,600 $ 13,600 $ 2,000
<br />Newspaper Advertisement $ 100 $ 100 $ 0
<br />Construction (Base Bid) $ 307,800 $ 277,000 $ 30,800
<br />Const. – Alt. No. 1 (Pavilion Exp.) $ 11,304 $ 10,740 $ 564
<br />Const. – Alt. No. 2 (Prem. Shingles) $ 735 $ 700 $ 35
<br />Const. – Alt No. 3 (Rub. Flooring) $ 8,365 $ 7,950 $ 415
<br />Const. Contingency (5%) $ 16,400 $ 15,710 $ 690
<br /> Total $ 384,504 $ 350,000 $ 34,504
<br />Approved Budget (PDF) $ 260,000 $ 260,000 TBD
<br />Budget Shortfall ($ 124,504) ($ 90,000) ($ 34,504)
<br />
<br />The 2011 Budget only includes $260,000 for the Lambert Park building construction under the Park
<br />Dedication Fund (Acct. 251-4470-7050). This amount was based upon costs from the last park
<br />shelter constructed in 2006 and did not include consulting costs. The current balance of the PDF is
<br />approximately $897,300. The following are several options to accommodate the project budget
<br />shortfall as shown above:
<br />
<br />Option 1: Amend 2011 Budget to increase $260,000 to $350,000 and include $35,000 under Park
<br />Dedication Fund in 2012 Budget.
<br />Option 2: Re-appropriate the $40,000 planned for Lambert Park ball field improvements and the
<br />$10,000 planned for Hillview Park hockey rink improvements in the 2011 Budget to Lambert Park
<br />shelter costs and increase budget amount by $40,000. Include $35,000 for Lambert Park shelter,
<br />$40,000 for Lambert Park ball field improvements, and $10,000 for Hillview Park hockey rink
<br />improvements in 2012 Budget.
<br />Other Options: There are a number of other options or combination of options available, from not
<br />awarding alternate bids to funding the shortfall from other funds (such as Special Projects) to not
<br />awarding the project and re-bidding next year. The Council may have other ideas as well.
<br />
<br />Recommendation:
<br />Staff recommends that the City Council consider adopting the attached resolution or a variation
<br />thereof. The attached resolution is drafted to award the base bid and alternates 1, 2, and 3 to Ebert
<br />Construction for $328,204, authorize TKDA to perform architectural services for $15,600, adds a
<br />5% contingency of $16,400, and amends the $260,000 line item to $350,000 for the Lambert Park
<br />building construction under account 251-4470-7050 of the 2011 Budget. If the Council chooses a
<br />different option, staff is available to make the change upon adoption.
<br />
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Nick DeBar - Public Works Director
<br />Attachments:
<br /> Resolution 7817
<br /> Bid Tabulation
<br /> TKDA Recommendation Letter