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01-11-2010 CC
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01-11-2010 CC
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Mounds View City Council December 7, 2009 <br />Truth in Taxation Meeting Page 3 <br /> <br />Finance Director Beer stated that is included in resident’s taxes. 1 <br /> 2 <br />Timothy Hall, 2200 Lois Drive, asked if taxes are based solely on property market value as set by 3 <br />Ramsey County. Finance Director Beer confirmed that is correct. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Mr. Hall stated he realizes this is not the place to bring up Ramsey County issues but the average 6 <br />valuation of the six homes in his cul-de-sac is $16,679 and these homes have been devalued from 7 <br />$11,400 to $37,900. His home was devalued $2,800 out of that amount. The range of increase 8 <br />of City tax ranges from $10.65 to a high of $175.94, which is on his property. Mr. Hall stated all 9 <br />six homes were built within three years of each other and his home has the smallest foundation 10 <br />footprint, smallest amount of square footage, and minimal improvements in the last two years. 11 <br />However, in the last five years his taxes increased a full $1,000, a 10.3% increase, while two 12 <br />houses away they had a 10.6% decrease in overall taxes. Finance Director Beer stated this 13 <br />argument should be presented to Ramsey County in March of 2010. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Mike Chance, 8080 Woodlawn Drive, stated his largest increase in taxes was for the City but his 16 <br />property assessed valuation of $219,000 is the same in 2009. Finance Director Beer explained 17 <br />the average decrease for Mounds View was 6.5%. Mr. Chance stated his taxes increased 11% for 18 <br />the City portion of taxes. Finance Director Beer stated the largest increase was due to the street 19 <br />improvement project but once the levy is instituted, residents won’t see an additional increase 20 <br />since it will be a constant fee until the streets are done. Mr. Chance stated he does not like to 21 <br />receive a $3,000 property tax bill for a home valued at $219,000. It was noted that Mr. Chance 22 <br />can appeal the valuation with Ramsey County. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Dan Mueller, 8343 Groveland Road, stated he understands the concern about taxes going up and 25 <br />asked if the County looks at values each year. Finance Director Beer stated the County comes 26 <br />out once every four years. Mr. Mueller stated some changes may be “catch up” from several 27 <br />years ago on everything, not just the house. He stated his estimated market value increased one 28 <br />time so he called the County and a staff person asked if would sell his home for the estimated 29 <br />market value and if not, then they were not getting taxed too much. Mr. Mueller stated he also 30 <br />compared his tax information with neighboring homes and found some had increased while 31 <br />others went down considerably so he wondered how it was calculated. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Mayor Flaherty clarified that all residents can request a new evaluation from Ramsey County. 34 <br />Finance Director Beer noted the values were set a year ago to be applied in 2010. If you appeal 35 <br />the value now, it will be for taxable 2011 and an adjustment is not made for 2010 unless there is 36 <br />a clerical error. Mr. Mueller thanked Finance Director Beer for the thorough budget presentation. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Finance Director Beer advised the budget would be considered for approval by the Council at its 39 <br />December 14, 2009 meeting, pending any changes made tonight. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Council Member Stigney reviewed the amount being transferred from the Levy Reduction Fund 42 <br />and suggested that additional reductions can still be identified in the 2010 budget so there is a 0% 43 <br />levy increase. Or, if everything is essential in the budget and nothing can be cut, then he felt the 44 <br />Levy Reduction Fund should be used. 45
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