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Mounds View City Council December 7, 2009 <br />Truth in Taxation Meeting Page 4 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Mayor Flaherty stated he does not know if the Council has actually made a hiring freeze official 2 <br />for all departments, except the Police Department. He noted the City has not had a Street 3 <br />Supervisor for three years and residents are looking for deep cuts but the Council has to also look 4 <br />to the future. Mayor Flaherty stated he thinks hiring that position could be delayed due to the 5 <br />economic situation, which may be worse in 2011 than 2010. He stated the City will be asking 6 <br />union contracts and nonunion staff to take no increase or cost of living at this time. He noted the 7 <br />Street Supervisor position is in the 2010 budget with half being funded from the General Fund 8 <br />and half from the Water and Sewer Fund. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Council Member Mueller referenced Public Works Director DeBar’s report regarding staffing 11 <br />needs for Public Works, which was very thorough and identified responsibilities being covered 12 <br />by other staff without having a Public Works Supervisor. She indicated that part of the reason 13 <br />the City hired Public Works Director DeBar was because of his skills in engineering and ability 14 <br />to prepare documents for street projects. However, he has been unable to take on that work due 15 <br />to other supervisory responsibilities. The report indicates, going forward for eight years (2010-16 <br />2018), the amount of dollars spent on consultant fees at a conservative 20% ($120,000) and 17 <br />filling this supervisory position would give Public Works Director DeBar the opportunity to 18 <br />project future needs, work load, find ways to eliminate work load, and do a lot of work in-house 19 <br />that is currently paid to a consultant. Council Member Mueller noted that if the City can save 5% 20 <br />on consultants, it will more than pay for Supervisor wages and save money over the eight 21 <br />remaining years of the street project. Public Works Director DeBar also indicated in his report 22 <br />that key employees may be considering retirement in the next five years so those high level skills 23 <br />will be lost. Therefore, having a Supervisor with that skill set gives the City the ability to build 24 <br />those skills in current staff. Council Member Mueller noted the City has a very well paid, 25 <br />educated, and competent Public Works Director who is saying this position needs to be filled and 26 <br />if not filled, she believes the City is taking advantage of its Public Works staff. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Mayor Flaherty asked how much would be saved in consultant fees and on what projects if the 29 <br />Supervisor position is filled. Public Works Director DeBar stated someone with the right skill 30 <br />set would schedule, organize, and coordinate operations instead of the current day-to-day reactive 31 <br />mode of operations. He referenced his report identifying CIP improvement projects that could be 32 <br />handled internally, through purchased design software, without hiring additional engineering 33 <br />staff based on having a Public Works Supervisor who is operational. The savings estimate for 34 <br />2010 is $135,000 and over the course of the CIP to 2018 it could save $743,000, approximately 35 <br />$82,000 per year on average depending on the projects scheduled. Public Works Debar clarified 36 <br />the City will still need consulting help, for example, with the water tower for inspections and 37 <br />specialized coating requirements, but could save about 10% on plan preparation and contract 38 <br />administration, partnering with consultants. Mayor Flaherty stated it looks like the City could 39 <br />save in consultation fees but the Council has to also consider that it budgeted $231,000 of LGA 40 <br />in 2010 and that may not be received. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Council Member Gunn asked what happens if the City does not get LGA. Public Works Director 43 <br />DeBar stated he is unable to do the engineering or consulting work if a Supervisor is not hired so 44 <br />the City will have to hire an outside consultant and pay those fees. Council Member Gunn 45