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Thursday, March, 13, 1997 05:28:28 ,�,i <br /> -, . OWERTY Services <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br /> City of Mounds View Communication Climate Project <br /> • page 2 <br /> Phase Five Design and deliver a series of three-hour, facilitator-directed employee training <br /> sessions to potentially cover: <br /> 0 Leadership Characteristics employees fmd most desirable in appointed and <br /> elected leaders. Focus also on how one performs effectively as a thinking <br /> follower and professional. <br /> $ Change Management Change is a transitional process in which one <br /> identifies his or her role as an architect of their own change or as a victim.of <br /> another's change. The thrust of learning would entail determining one's <br /> acceptance of change as well as a means to design strategies to better deal <br /> with the change process. <br /> Conununication Styles Complete the Personal Profile(DISC)to assess <br /> one's style as a communicator, performer in the workplace, and openness to <br /> delegation and supervision. <br /> 0 Conflict Resolution Learn strategies to better manage conflicts, assess one's <br /> conflict approach, discover that conflict can be positive or negative, and <br /> recognize that conflict is a dangerous opportunity. <br /> • TeambuiIding An introduction to working on structured tasks as a team, <br /> balancing different personalities in the work group and looking beyond job <br /> descriptions to cross training and work functions. <br /> . Report <br /> Following Phase Four, a report would be prepared and reviewed with the city manager and his <br /> team. The future direction of the project would be determined at this meeting. The rationale for a <br /> theme in each employee session is to address predictable needs of employees struggling with <br /> changes in the workplace ranging from a diplomatic state of noncompliance to open rejection and <br /> resentment. Open, unscripted "gripe" sessions usually intensify <br /> acceptance of change and a better animosity without nurturing <br /> where the organization is in terms sense mmunicationfcclimate, and(2 deSthe future. The igna plan <br /> to develop(1) ascertain <br /> cohesive work force through training and supervision. Pana <br /> Costs <br /> The consulting rate is $100 per hour. <br /> Phases 1 and 2, 2.5 hours <br /> Phase 3, approximately 4 1-hour interviews $ 250 <br /> Phase 4, 3 1.S-hour sessions 400 <br /> Develop report based on assessing interviews and focus group results, 7 hours 700 <br /> Deliver and discuss report at meeting, 2 hours 2700 <br /> 00 <br /> 200 <br /> Phase 5, 5 3-hour training sessions 0, ro <br /> $500, plus$200 for Personal Pfile Subtotal $2000 <br /> • 2700 <br /> Toal <br /> Separate training sessions could be conducted by separate agreement beyond initial phases one 700 <br /> through four. <br />