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Memo <br /> To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br /> From: Chuck Whiting, City Administrator <br /> Re: May 5, 1997 City Council Work Shop <br /> Date: May 2, 1997 <br /> As expected, we have several items for the agenda Monday evening. Here's a brief run down. <br /> Item 1: New Waste Oil Tank: Mike will report on this item. <br /> Item 2: Appraisal of City Property behind 7870 Woodlawn Drive: This is in reference to the City <br /> owned property inquired about by neighboring property owners to extend their rock garden. While <br /> the Council discussed having an appraisal done of this property and possible offering to the neighbors, <br /> it was not left clear to me as to whether the Council had any interest in developing the property <br /> somehow. Also, the Council may want to consider whether the disposition of this property sets <br /> precedence for disposition of other properties. <br /> Item 3: Point of Sale Inspection Program: Interest in this has developed from Towns Edge Terrace <br /> • residents concerned about the quality of mobile homes coming into their park. Don Hereaux and <br /> others from the park will be present Monday evening to sit in on the discussion. <br /> Item 4: Revisions to Housing Code: Pam Sheldon will report on this. <br /> Item 5: Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Amendment: This item will be an attempt to <br /> simplify the public hearing process regarding temporary liquor licenses. <br /> Item 6: Personnel Committee Proposal: Since November, staff has been reviewing the possibility <br /> of establishing a personnel committee in order to improve employee communications, teamwork and <br /> moral. Having done similar committees elsewhere, = have been meeting with consultants who <br /> facilitate such interactions. In the packet is information,!garding this and who we have talked with, <br /> and I will discuss it more with you Monday. <br /> Item 7: Revisions to Fee Schedule for Community Development: Staff has had some discussion <br /> regarding the fact that the amount of time and cost associated with some development applications <br /> have little if any relation to the fee the City assesses for the application. Pam will discuss this with <br /> the Council on Monday. This discussion may also be particularly relevant to the upcoming budget <br /> discussions. <br /> Items 8 and 9: Revisions to R-5 District and Wetland Zoning Regulations: Pam will discuss <br /> these items with the Council. In an attempt to make staffs work more cost effective, I have been <br /> • asking department heads to review the processes and regulations under which they work for areas <br /> which if changed could ease up the work load for employees and staff without necessarily losing the <br /> intent of the method or rule as far as the community is concerned. These are two which could help. <br />