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• Item 10: Proposed Budget Calendar: Bruce has worked up a calendar scheduling the time frame <br /> to develop the 1998 budget. This will obviously be an important budget for this Council, and staff <br /> is attempting to be as prepared as possible for the mechanics of the process. Bruce and I can go over <br /> this in more detail on Monday,but I would like the Council to begin thinking about two or three top <br /> priorities that the budget should address so as to give myself and staff an indication of your <br /> expectations. <br /> Item 11: Review of Bel Rae Agreements: The final draft agreements are in your packet. The VB <br /> Digs agreement is the largest and most complicated as would be expected. In addition, the <br /> Community Ed and Children's Home Society agreements are enclosed and are more straight forward. <br /> Also, negotiation agreements are enclosed as is a construction manager agreement. Bob Long will <br /> be present to review the details and respond to questions. Given all that is presented, the intention <br /> is to have these on the May 12 agenda for Council adoption. <br /> Item 12: Review of Related Bel Rae Construction Matters: Also enclosed is a letter from the <br /> architect outlining the City's need to have soil borings taken for the project site. These types of <br /> actions will be needed as this project progresses. Later today (Friday) I will be meeting with the <br /> architect again to review some aspects of the project and what the City or the tenants have to do, and <br /> I can update the Council on that Monday evening. <br /> Item 13: Review of MAC Meeting: The Mayor, Bob Long and myself met with MAC officials and <br /> Geri Evan on Wednesday regarding our proposed legislation. We can again update the Council on <br /> that meeting Monday evening. <br /> Item 14: Resetting Council-Staff Team Building Session: We were not able to conduct the team <br /> building session on April 23 as planned. Perhaps the Council would like to discuss another date to <br /> meet. <br /> Item 15: Discussion of City Flood Assistance: Cities around the state are being asked if any <br /> services or funds could be offered to the cities devastated by the floods of the past month. I am <br /> asking department heads to determine what if anything could be made available for clean up efforts. <br /> If the City can do something, I will discuss the options with the Council Monday night. <br /> Item 16: Emergency Tree Removal Policy: This was an issue last year after the wind storm effected <br /> a couple of neighborhoods. I was directed by the Council then to work up a new policy for removing <br /> trees and branches should such a thing happen again. I have copied the work done to date and I will <br /> talk with you more about it on Monday for this Council's feel on the matter. <br /> Item 17: Discussion of Surplus Property: This was also an old item I have been trying to address <br /> for a while. I would like some simplified standardized way of getting rid of surplus City property <br /> (items not real estate)that accumulate over time in the City. A consistent procedure to ridding the <br /> City of stuff is my main concern as I explained in an old staff memo. Friday, employees spent the day <br /> .111 cleaning and identifying stuff at City Hall in hopes of getting rid of it. Getting rid of stuff is never <br /> simple, and I will talk more Monday about a draft policy for doing so. <br />