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POLICY: DISCIPLINE • <br /> Approved By: City Code Section: 1.10 <br /> Revision History: 1988, 1997 <br /> Disciplinary action for just cause may be handled as deemed appropriate by the City. This <br /> policy does not apply to new probationary employees. New probationary employees may be <br /> disciplined, at any time, for any reason which does not violate the law, subject to the rights of <br /> veteran's. <br /> The objective of this policy is to establish a standard disciplinary process for employees of the <br /> City of Mounds View. This policy encourages a positive, problem solving approach to <br /> discipline. The focus is on correcting unacceptable behavior, encouraging good performance, <br /> and not on punishment as an end in itself. <br /> Progressive discipline is a sequence of increasingly serious actions taken in response to <br /> inappropriate employee behavior. These actions must incorporate the principles of: <br /> Eaual Employment Opportunity: <br /> Discipline may not result in discrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, <br /> sex, marital status, sexual orientation or identity, disability, age status with regard to public <br /> assistance or veterans status. <br /> Just Cause: • <br /> The punishment must fit the infraction. <br /> Due Process: <br /> The employee must be informed of actions to be taken and why; the employee must be given <br /> the opportunity to respond or challenge the actions and to explain their behavior. <br /> Just Cause: The following list contains examples of conduct which may constitute cause for <br /> discipline, suspension or discharge. As it is impossible to predict every situation, this list should <br /> not be construed as limiting in any way the potential causes for discipline. <br /> 1. Incompetence or inefficiency in the performance of his/her duties. <br /> 2. Sleeping or inattention on the job. <br /> 3. Dishonesty in the performance of duties. <br /> 4. Carelessness and/or negligence in the handling or control of municipal property or <br /> property entrusted to the employee by the City. <br /> 5. Theft or intentional destruction of City property or another employee's property. <br /> 6. Failure to comply with safety rules, regulations and/or City safety procedures. <br /> 7. Deliberate or careless conduct endangering the safety of other employees, including the <br /> provoking of or instigating a fight during working time or on the City premises. <br /> 8. Sexual harassment or other offensive behavior. <br /> 9. Absenteeism. <br /> 10. Providing false or misleading information on an application form, cheating on an <br /> examination, falsifying a statement, certificate, or evaluation. <br /> • <br /> 11. Intentional falsification of personnel records, time sheets or other City records or reports. <br /> 12. Violation of or fraud regarding the provisions of this handbook. <br />