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13. Soliciting political contributions from municipal employees, and engaging in political <br /> activities on or with City property and/or on City time. <br /> 14. Conduct impairing the efficiency of the City. <br /> 15. Conviction of a criminal offense. <br /> 16. Violation of any lawful or official work rule, regulation or City Ordinance. <br /> 17. Immoral or indecent conduct while on duty. <br /> 18. Reporting for work and/or working while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other <br /> controlled substances; and/or any violations of the Drug &Alcohol Testing Policy. <br /> 19. The use of offensive conduct or language toward the public, municipal officers or <br /> employees. <br /> 20. Inducing or attempting to induce a person, officer or employee of the City to commit an <br /> unlawful act or to act in violation of any lawful and reasonable official regulation or order. <br /> 21. Failure to report to work, refusal to work as assigned and directed, or insubordination, <br /> unless such instructions are injurious to the employee's safety or health. <br /> 22. Acceptance of a gift under circumstances from which it could be inferred that the giver <br /> expected or hoped for preferred or favorable treatment in the conduct of City business. <br /> 23. Use of Sick Leave for reasons other than those provided in Sick Leave Section. <br /> 24. Other behavior which the City deems to be irreconcilable with the City's best interests. <br /> The above list is not exclusive and is intended merely as illustrations and examples of behavior <br /> warranting discipline up to and including termination. <br /> PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE STEPS <br /> SThe following sequence of actions is the normal course of progressive discipline. These steps <br /> need not be followed in the case of dishonesty, gross insubordination, recklessness resulting in <br /> serious injury or property damage, a major violation of work rules, blatant sexual harassment or <br /> whenever it is judged that the behavior exhibited justifies immediate suspension or termination. <br /> At every step the employee is given an opportunity to explain their behavior. <br /> Step 1 Oral Warning <br /> Step 2 Written Warning <br /> Step 3 Suspension <br /> Step 4 Termination <br /> Oral Warning <br /> Supervisors, in consultation with the Department Head, have the authority to impose oral <br /> warnings without prior approval of the City Administrator. An oral warning should include the <br /> following: <br /> 1. An explanation of the nature of the violation and the behavior or results expected. <br /> 2. The consequences of a repeat violation or continuing inappropriate behavior. <br /> 3. The employee's response to the oral reprimand. <br /> 4. An explanation of the City's grievance procedure. <br /> 5. A record of the conversation should be made by the Supervisor for future reference. A <br /> copy of the "Record of Oral Warning" should be used. <br /> 6. Forward the completed form to the Human Resource Representative. <br /> SWritten Warning <br /> Supervisors, in consultation with the Department Head, have the authority to impose written <br />