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Based on overwhelming preponderance of available medical and scientific opinion, there is not <br /> evidence that the HIV (AIDS) virus is casually transmitted in ordinary social or occupational <br /> settings or conditions. Therefore, co-workers have not basis upon which to refuse to work or <br /> withhold their services for fear of contracting for transfer requests will be make for employees <br /> who feel threatened by a co-worker's AIDS/HIV infected condition. <br /> Recognizing the need for employees to be accurately informed about AIDS, the City will to the <br /> best of its ability make available general information about the disease. <br /> POLICY: DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING: <br /> Drug Free Workplace (41 USC, 403; MN §181) <br /> Commercial Driver's License (49 USC 1507; CRF 40.25) <br /> Approved By: Federal, State, City Council Section: 1.20 <br /> Revision History: 1988, 1996, 1997 <br /> DRUG FREE WORKPLACE <br /> The City is committed to the health, well being and safety of its employees and property. All <br /> employees have a responsibility to report to and be at work in a fit condition to perform. The <br /> policy has been established for the purpose of providing a safe workplace for all and to comply <br /> with the Drug Free Workplace Act. <br /> Unless specifically authorized as part of the employee's work duties, no employee shall use, <br /> possess, manufacture, distribute, dispense, sell, or transfer drugs, alcohol, or drug <br /> paraphernalia while the employee is working or while the employee is on the City's premises or <br /> operating City equipment. <br /> Employees are required to report to work on time and in appropriate mental and physical <br /> condition to work. No employee shall be under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol while <br /> working. No employee shall operate, use or drive any equipment, machinery, or vehicle of the <br /> City or perform duties for the City while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, controlled <br /> substances, or other mood altering drugs. Employees have a duty to immediately notify their <br /> Supervisor if they are not in appropriate mental or physical condition to perform their job duties. <br /> An employee shall notify the City of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring <br /> in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. Such a conviction will be grounds <br /> for termination unless the employee satisfactorily completes a drug abuse assistance or <br /> rehabilitation program. <br /> Violations of the policy may lead to discipline, including discharge. Each situation will be <br /> evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending upon the severity and circumstances. <br /> The entire policy is included in the Reference Section of this manual <br /> FEDERAL OMNIBUS TRANSPORTATION EMPLOYEE TESTING ACT AND RELATED <br /> • REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTATION POLICY <br /> The purpose of the policy is to establish programs designed to help prevent accidents and <br /> injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol or use of controlled substances by drivers of <br />