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• work time to assist employees with a flexiable work schedule. <br /> An employee may not receive assistance from other sources and receive tuition aid <br /> reimbursement from the City for the same courses taken. The City may reimburse individuals <br /> for selected job related non-accredited courses at its sole option. This program does not apply <br /> to seminars, mini-courses or other training authorized through the normal training budget. <br /> POLICY: VEHICLE USE <br /> Approved By: City Administrator Section: 1.95 <br /> Effective Date: 1982 , 1987, 1995, 1997 <br /> CITY VEHICLES <br /> City employees are encouraged to make use of City vehicles whenever possible for City <br /> business. Vehicles are provided for the performance of employee responsibilities relating to <br /> their job functions. Vehicles may be checked out at the front counter in Community <br /> Developmenl. <br /> EMPLOYEE-OWNED VEHICLES <br /> When no City vehicle is available, an employee will be reimbursed for using their own vehicle at <br /> the standard mileage rate of the IRS, determined and as acknowledged by the City. Mileage <br /> and Expenses forms are available form the Payroll office. See Section 1.85 for additional <br /> information on Travel Expenses. <br /> • USE OF CITY VEHICLES <br /> The following rules for City vehicle use apply to all City Vehicles: <br /> • Vehicles are only to be used by employee conducting official City business. Incidental <br /> stops (non routine and unpredictable) are permitted only on the normal route of travel <br /> between the employee's residence and the city or the route between the city and <br /> business related activity. Stops for personal business other than for meals will be <br /> limited to convenience stores, etc. <br /> • City vehicles shall be operated only on official city business related to the employees <br /> normal job. Special circumstances such as: transportation to and from meetings, <br /> training, conferences, out of town training, etc. In addition, vehicles shall not be taken <br /> home by departmental employees and retained overnight without expressed <br /> authorization. The only exception to this policy are Public Works and Park employees <br /> on call and authorized uses of the Police Department personnel. <br /> • Any employee operating an official city vehicle may only carry as passengers, in said <br /> vehicle, other city employees on official city business and/or such other persons whose <br /> transportation via city vehicle is in the best interest of the city. At no time are members <br /> of an employee's family to be passengers or operators of city vehicles. <br /> MOTOR VEHICLE RECORDS <br /> No employee shall be permitted to operate city owned vehicles unless they have in their <br /> Aft possession a valid driver's license permitting them to drive in the State of Minnesota. The City <br /> W has the right to revoke any employee's privilege to operate a City vehicle at any time and may <br /> obtain Motor Vehicle reports on employees assigned or authorized to use City vehicles. <br />