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409.01 <br /> 409.04 <br /> CHAPTER 409 <br /> CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION <br /> 409.01 Establishment. The Mounds View Cable Television <br /> is hereby established. The Cable TV Commission is referred sion Commission <br /> "Commission". to herein as the <br /> 409.02 Pur ose. The Commission shall serve as an <br /> Commission to the City Council, hereinafter the "Council" Advisory <br /> television operations, programming and public informati ' on matters relating to cable <br /> Mounds View, en-aetivit�es in the City of <br /> 409.03 Composition <br /> Subdivision 1. A ointed Members <br /> OfficeQualification of Members Terms of <br /> The Commission shall be composed of five (5) equal voting <br /> appointed by the Mayor with approvalthe members <br /> diverse qualifications with practical experience consisting <br /> of the City Council. Members shall have <br /> public information techniques, cable television, of, not limited to, <br /> and general communication procedures. <br /> public relations, multi-media activities <br /> Subdivision 2. Term of A ointment <br /> Beginning January 1996, three members shall serve a three <br /> members shall serve two year terms. Thereafter, members shall <br /> staggered terms, with terms expiring December 3 serve year term and two <br /> terms, but not more than three terms shall 1 of each yearAt east towoofsuccessive appointees shall hold their offices until their successorsBoth original and these <br /> qualified (1988 Code, 32.03). <br /> are appointed and <br /> Subdivision 3. Designated Members In addition to <br /> membership, one non-voting member shall be designated by <br /> serve as liaison to the Commission. The term of appointmentappointed <br /> one year, except that they the City Council,to <br /> will terminate with the office rom which shallordinarily <br /> non-voting be for <br /> ppointment is derived. <br /> n voting <br /> 409.04 Conflict of Interest. No person shall be appointed <br /> personal interest likely to conflict with the general public interest. <br /> appointed shall find that his/her private or personalPP rated with private or <br /> matter coming before the Commission, he/she If any person <br /> interests are involved in any <br /> part in action on the matter; alternatively, he/she may be dish him/herself ea from taking <br /> majority vote of the Commissioners in attendance. <br /> qualified by a two-thirds <br />