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409.05 Compensation <br /> compensation. Members of the Commission shall serve without <br /> 409.06 Vacancies. <br /> Subdivision 1. Termination of A <br /> desiring to terminate his/her a ointment. <br /> hie/her term shall give written appointment <br /> ation tosoy Commission <br /> ppointment to the Commission before the expiration ember <br /> intentions. It should be the <br /> the Commission Chairperson f notify <br /> th of <br /> City Council promptly duty of the Chairperson of the Commission <br /> shall a P mptly of any vacancies. <br /> appoint a new The Mayor, to notify the <br /> the term.amember from applications receivedywithar the unf of the City tY Council, <br /> lied-portion of <br /> be removed from officeSubdivision 2. Removal from Office. <br /> the entire Ci for just cause and on writtenycha member <br /> f the Commission of <br /> such a vote is Council. Such <br /> membermay <br /> for non-attendance at Co may be entitled to a by a least four-fifths of <br /> appointed member may Public hearing before <br /> regularly non- tte ddnled Commission meetings if a Commissioner oner isd <br /> meetings by the City Council <br /> prior consent of the Commission.per year or from three consecutive nt from five <br /> mmission. <br /> meetings, with the <br /> 408.07 Or anization <br /> Meetin s <br /> Subdivision 1. <br /> shall appointOroanization At the first regular meeting <br /> Commission shall be sbject Chairperson from <br /> to among its voting <br /> of the year, the <br /> term. The appointment shall subject <br /> hair tshollC oamo a mems of This <br /> serving carotaten memo and shall consist of a one <br /> also electg ina that capacity <br /> from more than g members, with no Commissioner ons year <br /> two consecutive terms. <br /> The Commission may create andglits s ch appointed members for a term The of one a shall <br /> determine to transact Commission of one year. <br /> other offices from its members as it may <br /> business. <br /> Subdivision 2. <br /> one re Regular Meetings The Commission shall <br /> hold gular meetingeach month <br /> resolution. a time which the Commission shall fix at least <br /> by <br /> Chairpersonior b Subdivision <br /> any �ecial Meetings <br /> y two members of the Comm sioecial meetingsamay be called b <br /> the Clerk-Administrator who then shall notify <br /> time andr date of the specialby written noticed filed the <br /> m fY all members of the Com <br /> a east three days before the Commission of the <br /> Subdivision 4. meeting date. <br /> members shall constitute a4uor m' A majority of the appointed Ppointed voting Commission <br /> Subdivision 5. Votin Privile es. Each the appointed members shall <br /> have equal voting privileges. <br />