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COW OF <br /> REQTJEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION Agenda Section: 14. <br /> P <br /> EW RT Report Number:95-1476TIS <br /> AGENDA SESSION DATE October 2, <br /> 1995 Report Date: <br /> DISPOSITION <br /> Item Description: Discussion of Update Highway 10 Redevelopment p nt Activities <br /> Administrator's Review/Recommendation: <br /> - No comments to supplement this report <br /> - Comments attached. <br /> ry(attach supplement sheets as necessary.) <br /> alatiMARL <br /> The following is an update on several properties along Highway 10 that are being <br /> 2625 Hi hwa 10 Blue House near Hardees ; considered for redevelopment. <br /> I have offered the owner, John Hildreth, $125,000 in cash for thero ert , <br /> about the offer and has not given me an answer. I left a message on his machine today and will be requesting his <br /> answer by Friday. I should have more information for ou byp p y Mr. Hildreth wanted some time to think <br /> Y the work session. <br /> I spoke to Mike Denny of Griffin Realty, one of three of the developers I called rear <br /> property. Mike said that the property is ideal for a gas station but realizing that this would not <br /> may work for an office building but he would need to do further research regarding the best use for the <br /> leases prior to pursuing the project. He did say that a commercial use is definitely be our desire he said it <br /> would be to the City's the roe toct purchaseHeid the property, and as a developerhewaytwouldced and that it <br /> would developerst throughthformaladvrequest for qualifications.aroI am still waitingket all way ao proceed to s v r that it <br /> p p y, clear the site and market three lots to several <br /> Ryan Companies. for comments from Opus Corporation and <br /> IVacant Lots next to Blue House) <br /> At my request, Spring Lake Park Realty had an appraisal done on the propertywhich <br /> $80,000. (See letter attached). I am not sure if this was an internal appraisal or an official appraisal. Therefore, <br /> will be requesting a copy of the appraisal and hope to have somethingprior <br /> they said came back at <br /> p for to Monday evening. <br /> 2975 Hi hwa 10 Auto Central ; <br /> I wasnot able to reach the Mullins, owner of the property, prior to the packet. Hope <br /> Monday evening, to have more information prior to <br /> K-Gas Site: <br /> I spoke to the owner of the K-Gas Site to request that he remove the fence and consider <br /> This will allow for easier marketing of the site. He needs to discuss this with the general <br /> will get back to me. In addition, the EDA may want to consider purchasingoption demolishing the building. <br /> 9 al manaoperty rty the property and <br /> of the site. The asking price of the property is$175,000 but the owner would settle for$135 000. <br /> $135,000. <br />