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Everest extension of Mounds View Business Park <br /> Everest currently owns two of the homes located on Highway 10 West of the Business Park South. Recently, Tim <br /> Nelson mailed a letter to each of the other three property owners conveying his willingness to negotiate the purchase <br /> of their property. Mr. Nelson will keep me informed on the negotiations and if unable to come to a satisfactory <br /> agreement may ask for City assistance to allow for the extension of Mounds View Business Park. <br /> Hiahwav 10 Redevelopment pian: <br /> As you know the Highway 10 Committee drafted some ideas for the redevelopment of Highway 10. The draft plan <br /> basically clusters properties along Highway 10 and makes suggestions for their use. This plan was conveyed to the <br /> EDC of which all agreed with the clustering and suggested uses but felt that the community was not ready to accept <br /> hiring consultants to review our recommendations and put together arofessiona <br /> Lynnnette Morgan has been-working-arra report to substantiatep I-redevelopment pFan.Therefore, <br /> internshi the importance of investing in redevelopment as an <br /> p project. We hope to have the report complete by the November work session for your review. <br /> Therefore, I felt it may be usefu Ito review the draft plan that was presented to the EDC by the Highway 10 <br /> Subcommittee. I will share these ideas with the EDA members at the work session. <br /> lajihai i1i,ieL <br /> Cath Be nnett, Economic Development Coordinator <br />