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(controlled substance only), the City will withdraw the contingent offer of employment or <br /> promotion to a driver position if the City determines that alcohol or drug use or abuse <br /> prevents the job applicant from performing the safety sensitive functions of the job in <br /> question. <br /> 5. Controlled Substance Tests. The City will not discharge, discipline, discriminate against, <br /> or request or require rehabilitation of a driver solely on the basis of a positive test result <br /> from a screening that has not been verified by a confirmatory test in any confirmatory <br /> retest for controlled substance only, the City may do the following: <br /> (A) First Positive Test: Give the driver an opportunity to participate in either a drug or <br /> alcohol counseling or rehabilitating program,whichever is—more appropriate. The <br /> City may determine which program is more appropriate after consultation with a <br /> Substance Abuse Professional or physician trained in the diagnosis and treatment <br /> of chemical dependency. Participation in a counseling or rehabilitation program <br /> will be at the driver's own expense or pursuant to coverage under the driver's own <br /> benefit plan. If the driver either refuses to participate in the counseling or <br /> rehabilitation program or fails to successfully complete the program, as evidence <br /> by withdrawal from the program before its completion or by a positive test result <br /> on a confiixl1atory test after completion of the program, and alcohol or drug abuse <br /> prevents the driver from performing the safety sensitive functions of the job in <br /> question the appointing authority will recommend to the City Administrator that <br /> the driver be discharged from employment. <br /> (B) Second Positive Test Result: Where drug use prevents the driver from performing <br /> the safety sensitive functions of the job in question the appointing authority will <br /> recommend to the City Administrator that the driver be disciplined; including, but <br /> not limited to, discharge from employment. <br /> (C) Suspensions and transfers: Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, the City <br /> may temporarily suspend the tested driver with pay for up to 90 days or transfer <br /> that driver to another position at the same rate of pay pending the outcome of the <br /> confirmatory test and, if requested, the confirmatory retest, provided the City <br /> believes that it is reasonably necessary to protect the health or safety of the driver, <br /> co-employees, or the public. <br /> 6. Alcohol Tests. <br /> (A) For an alcohol test result indicating an alcohol content of 0.02 or greater but less <br /> than 0.04 the employee shall be removed from duty. The driver shall not perform <br /> safety-sensitive functions until the start of the driver's next regularly schedule <br /> duty, but not less than twenty-four(24) hours following administration of the test. <br /> For the first or second offense the employee will use any accumulated vacation, <br /> 16 <br />