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14.3 At any time during the probationary period a newly hired or rehired EMPLOYEE may be <br /> terminated at the sole discretion of the CITY. <br /> 14.4 At any time during the probationary period a promoted or reassigned EMPLOYEE may <br /> be demoted or reassigned to the EMPLOYEE's previous position at the sole discretion of <br /> the CITY. <br /> ARTICLE XV. SAFETY <br /> 15.1 The CITY AND THE EMPLOYEES agree to jointly promote safe and healthful working <br /> conditions, to cooperate in safety manners and to work in a safe manner. <br /> 15.2 The City will reimburse up to 50% of the cost of a City approved purchase of prescription <br /> safety glasses to be used during working hours, the reimbursement amount not to exceed <br /> $65 in a two (2)year period. <br /> ARTICLE XVI. JOB POSTING. <br /> 16.1 The CITY agrees that permanent job vacancies within the department shall be filled based <br /> on the concept of promotion from within provided that applicants: <br /> 16.1.1 have the necessary qualifications to meet the standards of the job vacancy; and <br /> 16.1.2 have the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the job vacancy. <br /> 16.2 Employees filling a higher job level based on the provisions of this ARTICLE shall be <br /> subject to the conditions of ARTICLE XIV (PROBATIONARY PERIOD). <br /> 16.3 The EMPLOYER has the right of final decision in the selection of employees to fill posted <br /> jobs based on qualifications, abilities and experience. <br /> 16.4 Job vacancies within the designated bargaining unit will be posted for five(5)working <br /> days so that members of the bargaining unit can be considered for such vacancies. <br /> ARTI.CLE XVII. INSURANCE <br /> 17.1 The CITY will contribute up to a maximum of three hundred thirty dollars($330) per <br /> month per employee for group health and life insurance for dependent coverage for <br /> calendar 1996. <br /> 17.2 By mutual agreement EMPLOYEES may use twenty-five dollars ($25.00) of the per <br /> month per employee of health insurance dollars for dental insurance. <br /> 7 <br />