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PARKS, RECREATION AND FORESTRY <br /> PARKS: <br /> * Rain, rain, rain - it sure has dampened our style! Moving was delayed due to <br /> the rains this week. Everyone is calling to ask why their particular park area <br /> is not mowed. The good news is that we have had a dry day, Thursday, <br /> June 8 and the crew has caught up with park mowing. <br /> * The rain has also delayed landscaping work that needs to be done at Hillview <br /> and Groveland Park buildings. Plans are to grade and seed and sod areas <br /> which were dug up due to the late autumn improvements to the park <br /> buildings. <br /> * The crew removed more graffiti from Lambert Park playground equipment. <br /> The vandals are really busy at the parks. Hillview Park building was hit again <br /> too with graffiti. It was quickly painted over. <br /> * Staff is finding that we cannot meet the needs of youth baseball coaches <br /> who are calling for park use permits. Days and weekends are fll of practices <br /> and the demand exceeds the availability of fields. We are doing our best to <br /> satisfy everyone, trying to ensure that everyone has equal time for practices <br /> and games. <br /> * The parks crew has been filling in washouts that the heavy rains have made <br /> in trails, park entries and other places in the parks. <br /> * Gene Wagner of Silver Lake Woods townhouses called staff again to ask the <br /> City to do something to stop the balls from going to the homes located <br /> adjacent to Ballfield 2. He and others will probably be at the next Work <br /> Session to again request funding for trees, fencing or netting. The same day <br /> I had a call from the Insurance Trust Company. They had received a call <br /> also from the homeowners, requesting assistance. However, the Insurance <br /> Trust Company continues to have the opinion that the City is doing more <br /> than reasonable in this situation. <br /> RECREATION: <br /> * The July/August City Newsletter is in preparation, along with the Recreation <br /> Activity brochure. This is always a hectic time when big projects and <br /> activities all happen around the same time. Golf Course Dedication and <br /> Grand Opening, Festival, Community Theater, Playgrounds and Lakeside <br /> Beach opening all require a lot of preparation and planning, arrangements <br />