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07-23-2007 CC
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Mounds View Charter Commission Date: 7/12/2007 <br />Revision m – Chapter 5 Clear Text compared to Revision k Page 2 of 5 <br />CHAPTER 12 45 <br />MISCELLANEOUS AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS 46 <br /> 47 <br />Section 12.01. Official Publication. The Council shall annually designate a legal newspaper of general 48 <br />circulation in the City as its primary official newspaper, as well as an optional secondary newspaper, in 49 <br />which shall be published ordinances, other matters required by law or this Charter to be so published, and 50 <br />any other matters the Council may deem is in the public interest to have published in this manner. 51 <br /> 52 <br />CHAPTER 5 53 <br />INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM AND RECALL 54 <br /> 55 <br /> Section 5.01. General Voter Authority*. The people of Mounds View, have the right, in 56 <br />accordance with this Charter, to propose ordinances [initiative] and to require that any ordinance be 57 <br />referred to the voters [referendum], except those that appropriate money, levy taxes or deal with 58 <br />administrative issues (MN Statute 410.20, as amended). The voters also have the right to remove 59 <br />elected public officials [recall]. The term voter(s), as used in Chapter 5, shall refer only to residents of 60 <br />the City of Mounds View who first register, or who have registered and are qualified to vote. Per 61 <br />Minnesota Statute 200.039, as amended, eligibility to sign the petition is not restricted to only those who 62 <br />were eligible to or did cast ballots in the previous election. For clarity flow charts and time lines are 63 <br />attached as appendices at the end of this charter. In all cases, the Charter text shall take priority over the 64 <br />appendices should there appear to be a discrepancy. 65 <br /> 66 <br /> Section 5.02. Petitions. A petition provided for under this chapter shall be sponsored by a 67 <br />committee of five (5) to ten (10) members who are voters of the City and whose names and addresses 68 <br />must appear on the petition as the Sponsoring Committee. A completed petition consists of one or more 69 <br />pages gathered together as a single document. Each separately circulated page shall contain at its head, 70 <br />or attached thereto, the information specified in sections 5.05, 5.07 or 5.08 which apply, respectively, to 71 <br />initiative, referendum and recall. The Sponsoring Committee may obtain a sample petition from the 72 <br />Clerk-Administrator. The Clerk-Administrator shall provide the number of signatures for petition 73 <br />sufficiency which is based on the total number of ballots cast for President in the most recent 74 <br />Presidential election. All petition circulators must be voters of the City. Each separate page of the 75 <br />petition must include a certificate signed and dated by the circulator. The certificate shall affirm that 76 <br />each signature was made in the circulator’s presence and that the circulator believes the page to contain 77 <br />the genuine signatures of the voters whose names they purport to be and that each signer was presented 78 <br />with the full petition. Each signer of a petition must be a voter of the City and must sign and print their 79 <br />name and give their street address. The completed petition shall be submitted to the Clerk-80 <br />Administrator for review. Any voter whose name appears on a petition may withdraw their name by 81 <br />filing a statement in writing with the Clerk-Administrator before the Clerk-Administrator advises the 82 <br />Council of the information related to the sufficiency of the petition. or, if such completed petition is 83 <br />deemed insufficient pursuant to this Charter, during any time period that additional signature papers are 84 <br />being circulated by the Sponsoring Committee or reviewed by the Clerk-Administrator pursuant to 85 <br />Section 5.04. Consistent with the provisions of this Charter and the applicable state laws and rules, the 86 <br />Council may prescribe by ordinance or resolution, the definition of a frivolous petition. 87 <br /> 88 <br /> Section 5.03. Determination of Petition Sufficiency. For a petition to be sufficient, it must meet 89 <br />the requirements set forth in section 5.02 and contain at least the following: 90 <br />• Petitions for Initiative and Referendum require signatures numbering at least fifteen (15) percent of 91 <br />the total ballots cast for President in the most recent Presidential election. 92 <br />• Petitions for Recall require signatures numbering at least twenty five (25) percent of the total ballots 93
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