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07-23-2007 CC
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07-23-2007 CC
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Mounds View Charter Commission Date: 7/12/2007 <br />Revision m – Chapter 5 Clear Text compared to Revision k Page 3 of 5 <br />cast for President in the most recent Presidential election. 94 <br />If all requirements have been met, the Clerk-Administrator shall report to the Council within ten (10) 95 <br />calendar days of receipt of the completed petition. Thereafter, the Council shall immediately declare the 96 <br />sufficiency of the petition by resolution. 97 <br /> 98 <br /> Section 5.04. Disposition of Insufficient or IrregularFrivolous Petition. If the petition appears 99 <br />to be frivolous, the Clerk-Administrator shall report to the Council within ten (10) calendar days of 100 <br />receipt of the petition. If the Council determines the petition is frivolous, the Council shall direct the 101 <br />Clerk-Administrator to file the petition as frivolous and no further action shall be taken. If the Clerk-102 <br />Administrator determines that the petition does not meet the requirements for sufficiency and is not 103 <br />determined to be frivolous, a copy of the petition, together with a written statement of its defects, shall 104 <br />be delivered to the Sponsoring Committee and to the Council within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of 105 <br />the completed petition. As specified in this Charter, the Sponsoring Committee shall have twenty-one 106 <br />(21) calendar days to file additional signature papers and/or to correct the specified irregularity 107 <br />insufficiency. Within nine (9) calendar days of receipt of the corrected completed petition, the Clerk-108 <br />Administrator shall determine whether the petition as corrected meets the requirements for sufficiency 109 <br />and shall proceed as directed in Section 5.03. If the petition is still insufficient or irregular, the Council 110 <br />shall direct the Clerk-Administrator to file the petition as insufficient and notify the Sponsoring 111 <br />Committee within ten (10) calendar days that no further action will be taken. The final finding that the 112 <br />petition is insufficient or irregular shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same purpose 113 <br />unless otherwise specified within this Charter. Except in the case of a petition for recall, it shall not 114 <br />prevent the Council from referring the subject matter of the petition to the voters at the next regular or 115 <br />special election. 116 <br /> 117 <br />Section 5.05. Ballot Measure Requirements. If a measure meets the requirements to be put on a 118 <br />ballot and is in compliance with Chapter 4 of this Charter, at or before its next regularly scheduled 119 <br />meeting, the Council shall pass a resolution placing the measure on a ballot. If it is within one hundred 120 <br />twenty (120) calendar days of a primary or general election and all of the county election requirements 121 <br />can be met, the measure shall be placed on the ballot at the next regularly scheduled election. 122 <br /> 123 <br />If a measure meets the requirements to be put on a ballot but cannot be placed on the ballot at a 124 <br />regularly scheduled election, at or before its next regularly scheduled meeting, the Council shall pass a 125 <br />resolution placing the measure on the ballot and calling for a special election to be held within one 126 <br />hundred twenty (120) calendar days of said meeting. However, no special elections can be held between 127 <br />a regular primary election and a regular general election or forty (40) calendar days after a regular 128 <br />general election. If there is no regular primary election then no special election shall be held within 129 <br />sixty (60) calendar days prior to a regular general election. 130 <br /> 131 <br />Section 5.06. Initiative*. An ordinance may be proposed by petition. The exact text of the 132 <br />proposed ordinance must be stated at the head of each page of the petition or attached thereto. The 133 <br />petition shall be filed in the Clerk-Administrator's office prior to circulation and shall be valid for one 134 <br />hundred eighty (180) calendar days during which time a completed petition with signatures must be 135 <br />filed. If a petition for initiative is determined to be frivolous, it is prohibited from being repeated within 136 <br />one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the determination. Within sixty (60) calendar days after final 137 <br />determination of the petition’s sufficiency according to Section 5.03 and 5.04 of this Charter, the 138 <br />Council must either adopt an ordinance according to Subdivisions 1 or 2 or pass a resolution to place the 139 <br />measure on a ballot as provided in Subdivision 3. Any amendment to the proposed ordinance must 140 <br />proceed according to Subdivision 2 of this section. If an ordinance is adopted, it shall become effective 141 <br />thirty (30) calendar days after publication unless the ordinance specifies a later effective date. If the vote 142
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