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V . . <br /> Mounds View City Council August 13, 1990 <br /> Regular Meeting Page Eight <br /> Mr. Minetor explained the City has been holding a 13 . Consideration <br /> $12, 000 development bond for Hardee ' s to insure of Staff Memo <br /> completion of all required work. The City Building Concerning <br /> Inspector and Forester have found the improvements Release of <br /> to be complete. He noted the development agreement Bond for <br /> was to have been reviewed by August 1st, and Hardee ' s <br /> Michelle Hren had begun work on it before leaving, <br /> but due to. her resignation it has not yet been <br /> completed. This bond, however, is not tied into <br /> that . <br /> Councilmember Wuori noted the development agreement <br /> called for a different type of landscaping material <br /> around the trees and shrubs and questioned whether <br /> that has been addressed. <br /> Mr. Minetor .replied they were required to change it <br /> to be in conformance and have done so. <br /> Motion/Second: Blanchard/Paone to approve the re- <br /> quest of Hardee 's to release the $12, 000 bond. <br /> 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> Mr. Minetor reported the cost estimate for the 14. Consideration <br /> County Road I pathway has increased since the of Staff Memo <br /> feasibility study cost estimate, but he believes Concerning <br /> the actual bids may be more reasonable. The plans Plan and Spec <br /> and specs need to be approved at this time and Approval for <br /> advertisements placed for bids, in order for the County Road I <br /> project to move forward. Mounds View's share Pathway <br /> would be $37, 125. <br /> Motion/Second: Paone/Quick to approve the plans <br /> and specs for the County Road I pathway and <br /> authorize the advertisement for bids. <br /> 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br /> Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to set a public 15. Consideration <br /> information meeting for 8 PM on Tuesday, August of Public Infor <br /> 28, 1990 to discuss the proposed surface water mation Meeting <br /> management utility. for Surface <br /> 5 ayes 0 nays <br /> Water Utility <br /> Motion Carried <br /> Mr. Minetor reported the in response to the Council 's 16. Consideratio411 <br /> request, he has prepared an employment agreement for of Staff Memo <br /> his role as Acting Clerk/Administrator. It is based Regarding <br /> on a standard agreement of the International City Employment <br /> Managers Association, with modifications . He has Agreement <br /> sent it to Mark Karney for review, but has not <br /> received his written response yet . <br />