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Mounds View Planning Commission April 2, 1986 <br /> Regular Meeting Page Four <br /> was the concensus of the Planning Commission to 7. Action Items <br /> remove hazardous waste from the action item list <br /> until it is ready to be discussed. <br /> Chairman Mountin asked that the Comp Plan review be <br /> added to the list, and they agreed to work on it <br /> outside their regular meetings. <br /> Director Thatcher informed the Planning Commission 8. Staff Report <br /> he had been discussing Chapter 39 with Attorney <br /> Meyers, regarding billboards, and stated he would <br /> keep the Commission appraised of the progress. <br /> Director Thatcher informed the Commissioners that <br /> Mr. Herbst is coming in with a preliminary plat <br /> for his property, and they will be discussing it <br /> at the next agenda session. <br /> The attendees at the March 19, 1986, agenda session 9. Chairman' s <br /> were Commissioners Anderson, Forslund , Miller, Report <br /> Zollner, Chairman Mountin, Director Thatcher and <br /> Councilmember Blanchard . <br /> meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. <br /> Se 10. Adjournment <br /> Respectfully submitted , <br /> ---%14; 3-"6/ 1 <br /> Steven Thatcher <br /> Public Works/Community Development Director <br /> 1111 <br />