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<br /> 4.
<br /> ,
<br /> • ,f+-s�i,�/ 'Q': r" • r,.Xf.,..',..,_;-„,1,71-- or pw 'raeticl ^difficutiesto_theradbzCityOa.iWIIer
<br /> • s2rl 'mvuuit—f -c t` `, '.77- � s '„ - a. .. saWLabe �ciu.ad.-AViIaLCemSyTe gantedonly:Intheeventt t. ', , ri, _'
<br /> •
<br /> •
<br /> �.. ,,,-1,44V4.14.kW.-- following ch+ ances exist. .- _' —. • -- _ Ft
<br /> � a•.. t---- 6` :br,.+F z.-4."- �)1-F2'`-�r -+jwse:,ir s.a+, r+-.r°5,=..cs '' .`S 'E "';•^"�it'.s _,(�` rad „a' rt ,,i.,,,...•....1;--,,i, i�l'F�
<br /> M?- -. �, a 9 " ". .: -s .w` r .4.--e, ., 1\ Ear o-_ ni ', r.' <,rd^n t �:
<br /> s., r •«r- :b r..`+"-'., x2L o` ac r.ar m Ne cf.CT +SL's ` �+S nl'r f.147 ty''.
<br /> 4 �, :t- (1) ~ ,r'Exceptional or extraordinary aPP tri , ,
<br /> ~' circumstances to fire w "
<br /> • r-.ar ,'7r.3=-s+nt,.. ,t1--, .
<br /> ' n�; firs ,,,- 'u ..s" � +FS*-€ 'e pi+r+ itt-n.,.g . +` .5,r-.-• i t s' .m aE -' t j ° k .
<br /> `- rcF i.} a.'�,-w, " '1""i -r,1---4-4-',,,,f‹,--1:-.,-11;',1-7.,,,„•-� which do not.applgenea.l :1 ..0ther prop rt1�4_ln-,the same"zone o " 3 '' f
<br /> q ' rwr. ir,t, . : iTt''_ ij` __ �.-ac+.r ,o- •,aoal_'rtsiz,or 7 '• 4'."'rriaC7� 3k-'- - +•,4,wzr 3_.+ :x.
<br /> vxan�tY`and resuIr from tot:size-Or sl ape,topograp or otl l.. �.
<br />'-'::'-;;-'s
<br /> h.� a ef s' y.a 'n- ,sw�•x.. + eic1 .r'"Rrc'6 - -.,rf w +t. r
<br /> �' �'�_� i. r��� � �� staaoes.over which.the:owners ofthe.property '�"`�' `� � � °>
<br /> '4 y�'' .s ,4,44.,,w. ,.,.r'` z. =,, vsf.. t "t" .,r...a �„ -, sinceenactment of tuL1 Fsc`` r K3�
<br /> r�W .a 4.y .,e t Coda have-had'no contrni...,,..,:i,,..-4,--:‘,...,,,,v,� "-. -- ;-,_ ->,#r 4
<br /> '� ,q- - -",r _. . - -,‘0;,,..-;-,,,--.1.-.15.-">:.:-- sem.e�
<br /> _� • 5 rant '.r..r..a .sr2Y, n y'. ate. �� r 5tu :d� 4-,...-72,,,,r..4
<br /> > • Xfta- ,- (Z) The htezal mterpmtatton of the provinons of this Code would�depcive, ,�
<br /> -.• ,,,, Sr4- , 4 a-.at ,.tea. . c.a.sa`ti y .1. C. "."‘''s,"49,,,,,,..- y'•-•.moi.' at.., x,C ni,Si erti,x,_-,,. A's 4Yti
<br /> . r =.�--z ,., the applicant of ngh s commonly.enjoyed by other prnpezt es in the x • 4,-..--__, ....
<br /> ,,:,-,4,"2.:;'-::.:;":•', s. n.� r: ,:`^a.,.. ,q..S 4.12 nuc nom. rfr_."1-'1':W.-14'•!'7j„,_; H -.. sc-.,.-tAi-,4y4 •..a •.7 +.esc�r:!.41 r i.
<br /> .r� . .oma•.#-F"-.s'w `a' a "r ` qtr r .
<br /> -- s � � .f.�„ .,,,.,`. ,,t Y:'- '' �x , same district Hader the terms of this Code ,,,.; 4 x,� £ �xt23"3 r -
<br /> -fit .. t .�-t'..Y yrs ...Y`'`' ."."I.T�,3 ;3.y{ _.s y bq:.'",r .ala_.+.ss-�+fr 4•S*x N+c�-.r.,!* Zr { :a«.°.t .,.f-e1„ :i�- -e .t �1'r-z�, �a- w
<br /> • L,� ...-"'., - (3) ,:.�.3 Thar the_special condit ons or c rcum�nces do"not result from the ..�.
<br /> E
<br /> ▪ c a E i actions Of the applicant."'' :x t 1 t.. -ra�s'r +` ` a : .t_`3a
<br /> P .h..,M M� L _ - _ :ruu . "...r -:.. ,4 -to .+......- !'.` -,- _41-,.........-. ...-
<br /> 3• • ".,.`'.' - -i "t -3• =3 -r ...♦t_l pf' .J -t L. 3 F i.'''..:7'',1„,-K7:.,---'17.,
<br /> ,-K .-"V'^• ..4?.}
<br /> t- : rr -. (4) That granting the,variance:requested will no confer on:the applicant.any. ,� _ - `
<br /> t �.s R Y wr� .:..._ _
<br /> ;;;:,;;I:4;;;;.4 ma..:"3. - 35sx..En�' .„,;S[a...wga ', mf.;fl'▪ +'" i-. .+ 'Xx -^4 ,t,.^.
<br /> ..14 ^-�,. ,-t c wr'r F, �,,. Q;•. special-pal/liege al rivlie that isdenied .' '� "�.. f '�3'z`. -y'
<br /> art. 4.,.t ., .4 SpC p ge by.thlY Co to owners or OthCI
<br /> 1 . '±-'x*, .z.t dings' :� h. 3y f-i'„• � �
<br /> ,e at*+,a. ; .- r structures or bur: m the same disttscL ,� -
<br /> Y�C ._ r. _4, Zr ry
<br /> TS
<br /> + .t-* �,v�`95.+-etYr-.aar .wsr.Mws....+.....�'"d rs'4++'�"sa�.in. 's -W.".``�- 7wN�as �'Yi-�� a�Yy�r! '• k� a� �sr"' *a. ..
<br /> r v r • '▪ n (5) W That the variance requCStGd is the JrllivmvIIl variance's/luck Would s _
<br /> t • alleviate the hardship Economic`conditions alone shall not be oonsld- - - -
<br /> f-, a .- ' e Y� ; s ♦▪ Z -• 1., z ! *yr 3 ered a ,x. ,: -tag.-a 4- ,..7�-s: .,L' rt .A',..--.4.;,,kr Ff r Sek. - ase ,: ,,, % ' -,:.,-:9-.;,..---,:-.
<br /> hardship 4.c.,-,-.....,-.2-.4. .•w 7 s '-L YIFT 3y ,---4 s r --
<br /> Lt'0s % - - •• -,......,.......':_f5.-:.,i..%:.;. ...,.:1,.• ':•!...:-... APIs-x.sZr i.iN"s x' 4#'.4 . ..w * ., i�t;f: 3 s... -`-rs�- `"z.,"`1'i 4,,r ,:_-
<br /> y ,
<br /> (6) ;`'• 'The variance would not be ala detrimental to the purpose of this '▪ `
<br /> orotherproperties zone.Code, to on the same zo �.
<br /> (7) - The Proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and
<br /> air to adjacent property,or substantially increase the congestion of the • ir
<br /> public streets,or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public
<br /> safety,or substantially diminish or impair- - - tsally impair property values within the
<br /> neighborhood. The Board of Adjustment and Appeals may impose•
<br /> such restrictions and conditions upon the premises benefited by a
<br /> variance as may be necessary to comply with the standards established
<br /> -' by this Code,or to reduce or minimize the effect of such variance upon
<br /> other properties in the neighborhood, and to better carry out the intent
<br /> . - of the variance. . =
<br /> •
<br />