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111/ <br /> Mounds View planning Commission March 4, 1998 <br /> III <br /> Regular Meeting Page 4 <br /> called out for the construction of a 1900 square-foot home with a three-car garage. <br /> An extended discussion was held between the Commission and the Develo•.- .s to how <br /> the existing floor plan could be modified or reoriented to fit the •..:y •e tat• ions. It <br /> was a consensus opinion that the City would be best served by • " $ g the property <br /> within the terms that were established by the EDA. . `$ e to 'a *:,, 0, ted as a home <br /> value of at least $145,000 and a square footage re , ement of: ,. Y4ri r... �• <br /> Dorgan told the Commission that the purchase . -e,men $'' een the *' '. <br /> Preferred Builders Inc., would have to be amen. �§ , `evelo ment s e .�.< 4 s were <br /> . <br /> changed. � <br /> Commissioner Obert suggested it is not good-;"annin:'<' `` .rce a large home on a <br /> small lot just to meet the EDA's developmen. s. <br /> Commissioner Brasaemle made th-. ` . rv. was inappropriate for the EDA to <br /> assume that the seven-foot varian :-ryould b-,-.t- •$. A, • ' 'development <br /> Commissioner Stevenson s„kw:, sted ta• t"flg the is r:�;- one more time. The Planning • <br /> Commission would ask th- : •, Icant t esubmit ,�;, plan on the basis of a four-foot <br /> variance. A second prop should i be co• 'ered with the garage facing Arden <br /> Avenue. , <br /> i ' <br /> .)��' S55�: cad.„H <br /> ..,4m,,,:4,1. ..fir.` ..�,,,..:• 'D 'n.C4,5u%f fir- <br /> 3;..yEner o .. , }. ;,-;ted he wou d not be in favor of granting any variance if all <br /> the'> ,;:.; the vara •.' not met. <br /> Commissl'g: <.enson`. :. • if Resolution No. 532-98 could be modified and <br /> re;„ en to i t i . - : .ur-foot variance. <br /> x. <br /> Mot'0`>:` econd: Petersa ,S.:::`''nson to approve the Variance request to include a four-foot <br /> setb:,3}c. instead of a sev-:”_Moot setback as was originally requested. The basis for a hardship <br /> bbe stated as a ” j standard size corner lot in a City redevelopment situation." <br /> _ommissiir Steven suggested including as one of the "Whereas" statements in the <br /> `_> # • the inclusion of the required 1900 square foot building size. <br /> Commissioner Obert asked if the motion was based on accepting the house plan as <br /> submitted. <br /> Chairperson Peterson told the Commission it was his understanding that the variance • <br /> was not stipulating a design,just the request for a specified setback. <br />