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<br /> By Eric Swartz City Branding Isn't For Sissies
<br /> To put it bluntly,branding isn't for sissies. Big cities can
<br /> 40 So you're thinking of creating a new slogan and brand identity expect to spend nine months to a year in brand development
<br /> for your city... and several more years promoting their brandiwork.They also
<br /> Join the club.The entire country is caught up in a frenzy have to contend with lots of stakeholders,such as city offi-
<br /> of sloganeering. More than 80 percent of towns with popula- cials,neighborhood leaders, corporate sponsors,downtown
<br /> tions greater than 25,000 either have a motto or are attempt- redevelopers,the Convention &Visitors Bureau,and the
<br /> ing to develop a new one. Chamber of Commerce. Oh,and let's not forget the opinions of
<br /> The surge in branding can be attributed, in large part,to vocal city residents and members of the press who weigh in
<br /> our friends in Las Vegas,whose daring motto,"What throughout the entire process.
<br /> Happens Here,Stays Here," hit the national airwaves in 2001 So if branding is painful, protracted,and perilous,why do
<br /> and shows no signs of abating. Of course,it helps if you're cities do it?Why don't they keep their old motto?Why can't
<br /> blessed with a towering budget,an endless supply of neon they simply quote that cool Latin inscription on their official
<br /> lights, and hordes of tourists who are admitted adrenaline seal?What difference does a brand new slogan really make?
<br /> junkies. Well, I'm here to tell you...it makes a huge difference.A
<br /> Other big cities that have jumped on the brandwagon to slogan is a valuable ambassador.When conceived correctly,
<br /> polish their image include the likes of Cleveland ("Cleveland it can reflect a city's style and personality,leverage its assets,
<br /> Rocks!"), Omaha ("0!"),Atlanta("Every Day is an Opening and communicate a compelling message.Think of it as urban
<br /> Day"),San Diego ("City with Sol"),and Atlantic City('Always renewal without having to pass a bond measure.
<br /> Turned On").They have launched city-wide campaigns to Every city is unique,possessing both positive and nega-
<br /> help sell their new brand message and make it stick.The tive perceptions. It has a history, a culture,and a constituen-
<br /> results so far have been favorable and city fathers are cy.The key to effective branding is to embrace an appealing
<br /> relieved. Projects of this magnitude are usually accompanied slogan that promises an experience that can't be duplicated
<br /> illby a fair amount of anguish and nagging doubts,especially anywhere else.A good slogan is just the tip of the iceberg, an
<br /> when detractors start chomping at the bit.After all,a city's exclamation point at the end of a municipal pitch to the world
<br /> pride and reputation are at stake. at large.
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