Cities that succeed in incorporating their refurbished Step#1: Build Your Case
<br /> brand message into their campaigns and advertising creative To kick off a city branding project,you need top-down and
<br /> provide the impetus for attracting visitors, retirees,home grass-roots buy-in.The officials who control the budget will
<br /> builders,and investors,which,in turn,helps generate greater want to know why re-branding is necessary. Be prepared to
<br /> tourism,tax revenue, unity, and goodwill. give them a good answer.Conduct a brand audit to bench-
<br /> Cleveland's motto makeover is a case in point.After 30 mark your current thinking and build consensus.As you move
<br /> years of living with the shameful moniker, "The Mistake on forward,try to obtain pro-bono support from a leading ad
<br /> the Lake,"and the ever-so-brief,yawn-inducing slogan, agency and donations from a few local corporations.
<br /> "America's Comeback City,"it has emerged with its self- Assemble a plan,a timetable,and a set of expectations. Refer
<br /> esteem intact and is now enjoying renewed pride and opti- to the branding success of other cities and focus on bottom-
<br /> mism largely inspired by its new slogan, "Cleveland Rocks!"
<br /> line results.Start thinking like a brand manager...not a city
<br /> Cleveland has fast become a popular destination for the rock- manager.
<br /> ers and the Dockers®set,and its brand barometer has never
<br /> looked brighter. Step#2: Don't Be Afraid to Re-brand
<br /> Preparing Your Motto Makeover Okay,so you have a tired,worn-out slogan that's negative,
<br /> unoriginal,boring, and trite- and it doesn't do justice to your
<br /> Your city's motto is the focal point of your brand message. It fair city.Well,then,do something about it! If companies can
<br /> tells a story,your story. It should be succinct, positive,origi- re-invent themselves with exciting new slogans,so can you.
<br /> nal,and memorable. It should be believable(this is who we Perceptions change and you can find yourself in a rut very
<br /> are), but it can also aspire to be something bigger and greater quickly.You don't need to spend millions on urban redevelop-
<br /> (this is how we're evolving). ment to have an excuse to re-brand—just a strong belief
<br /> Mottos can be humorous("Experience Our Sense of shared by others that your slogan is no longer channeling
<br /> Yuma"—Yuma,AZ); alliterative("Livable, Lovable Lodi"); your city's mojo.
<br /> . ! quaint("Where the Trout Leap on Main Street"—Saratoga, Give your citizens something to rally around. Give them a
<br /> WY); clever("There's More Than Meets the Arch"—St. Louis, new battle cry.Create a new platform for delivering an endur-
<br /> MO");disarming ("It's Not the End of the Earth,but You Can ing message that expresses confidence and shows some atti-
<br /> See It from Here"—Bushnell, SD),or rhyme("Where Nature tude.Who remembers Las Vegas's former motto, "Las Vegas
<br /> Smiles for Seven Miles,"—Spring Lake,MI).Whatever motto Loves Visitors?"That's ancient history.The city re-branded
<br /> you select,it reflects on you and vice-versa.Think of it as a itself and never looked back.
<br /> robe you put on that fits well,feels good,looks great,and
<br /> makes the right impression. Step#3: Test the Waters
<br /> Since your motto competes with others in the municipal, Brainstorm as much as possible.Solicit opinions and ideas
<br /> regional,and national marketplace,it should also be strikingly from newspaper readers and all of your key stakeholders.
<br /> unique so that it stands out in a crowd. Organize their responses in a meaningful way and ask your
<br /> In the long run,you need a solid strategy for not only agency to help you sort, craft, and polish them.Narrow down
<br /> developing a motto,but also promoting it and communicating the best slogans to a manageable list.For a reality check,do
<br /> its value.A motto is just part of an overall brand awareness a little focus group testing.Feedback is always invaluable. Be
<br /> program that your town's citizens and the rest of the world sure to determine in advance who will make the final selec-
<br /> will judge by its clarity,consistency, and creativity. tion of your motto—a branding committee or the results of a
<br /> The Ten Steps to Successful Sloganeering city-wide contest. In some instances,a branding committee
<br /> will select three to five mottos and then ask city residents to
<br /> As a public service, I have identified 10 easy steps that any vote on them.
<br /> city or town can follow,regardless of size,budget,or inclina-
<br /> tion,to ensure that its branding and sloganeering process is
<br /> • satisfying and successful. Here we go:
<br />